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Junior Blues Coordinator⭐⭐
Dec 27, 2007
What a load of rubbish that was last night. An instantly forgettable winner, however political a subject it may have been. The inclusion of Australia was farcical.

An excellent production by the Swedish, as reasonable a song from us as we've had for many a year and a real change to the voting system showed us just how much the "Europeans" dislike the UK! The juries didn't mark us too badly, but the public marks added in made us bottom 3 - although not bottom (hello Germany!).

When are we going to stop wasting time and money in supporting this nonsense?
It's rubbish every year, has been for 30 odd years. The only reason I ever watched any of it was to hear Wogan mug off all the other countries
I enjoyed it, as I always do. Quite liked the winner (dubstep sneaked into the Eurovision 15+ years after its inception - fantastic!), but there were several better songs. The UK entry was total dog****, as it has been for so long (honestly can't remember the last time we had anything even half decent). Very glad that Australia didn't win. Bottom line - it's a vacuous pop music competition judged by people more concerned with politics than the songs. Don't like it, don't watch it.
Personally thought it was the best one ever
Good songs and production

i am a big Eurovision fan and I thought Timbers was an added bonus

Loved France and Cyprus entry
I didn't watch it as it has steadily become as politicised as it's possible for TV program to be. How or when Australia became part of Europe is totally beyond me.
Why do people have to analysis everything nowadays

Its fun approx 200 million watch it worldwide , so someone is doing it right
Sometimes you need to chill and enjoy a programme or turn over and watch something of your own preference

Eurovision being Europe only is a common misconception, the 'Euro' comes from the EBU's name, not Europe. Any country that belongs to the European Broadcasting Union (which confusingly has several African and Asian countries in it) is eligible to take part, which is why Israel often features. Australia was just a publicity stunt though.
No reason not to allow Australia and any other country to enter as part of the fun, maybe even for a small fee, but make it clear that the country to host in the next year will be the highest ranked country that is actually in Europe.
Missed this last night (first one in years).
We all know it is totally rigged but good fun nevertheless.
Why we do remain is beyond me but the only reason we do is because of the amount of money we put into it (or so Mr Terry Wogan hinted many moons ago).
It's been politically motivated for years. Greece giving Turkey 12 points and vice verser when both countries loathe each other, it's as bent as a hairpin. Personally, I think Spain was robbed.

Please tell me you didn't watch it. Your rep as the hard man of lorries will turn to fairy dust if you did.
Amazed anyone is taking a thread on Eurovision serioulsy- it is what it is. You can't watch it and say 'that wasn't what I expected'

graham norton at his best- Maybe I'm just old and grumpy but there isn't a single thing about this woman that doesn't annoy me. Here's Jamie-Lee, making Bjork seem great."
It's been politically motivated for years. Greece giving Turkey 12 points and vice verser when both countries loathe each other, it's as bent as a hairpin. Personally, I think Spain was robbed.
Think you will find they don't give each other many points because of the hatred

A better example is Greece and Cyprus
What a load of rubbish that was last night. An instantly forgettable winner, however political a subject it may have been. The inclusion of Australia was farcical.

An excellent production by the Swedish, as reasonable a song from us as we've had for many a year and a real change to the voting system showed us just how much the "Europeans" dislike the UK! The juries didn't mark us too badly, but the public marks added in made us bottom 3 - although not bottom (hello Germany!).

When are we going to stop wasting time and money in supporting this nonsense?

It was a decent winner with a clear message and well worked vocals.
Please tell me you didn't watch it. Your rep as the hard man of lorries will turn to fairy dust if you did.

I watched it with the kids and several beers. To keep the hardcase lorry driver persona going, I occasionally poked the cat while he was trying to sleep next to me.