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Ferguson and Ronaldo

Flashing Blade

Youth Team
Aug 9, 2006
As already covered on another thread, Fergie accepted defeat with good grace and to hear him say ``they're a good footballing side, Southend'' sent a tingle down my spine.

But also, and more unexpectedly, Ronaldo. He was the one Man U player who really looked up for it last night and seemed to engage in the whole experience which - and I don't wish to be horribly old-fashioned here - on a cold Tuesday night at Roots Hall, I wasn't really expecting of fancy dan Johnny Foreigner.
Whatever else we can (and certainly did!) say about Ronaldo, he's one hell of a player. My heart was in my mouth every time he had the ball last night.
Cristiano Ronaldo was arguable the best player on the opposition side last night; he was the only player to openly declare that he wanted to win this damn match and get into the quarter-finals by embarking on several powerful runs that lifted my heart into my mouth on many occasions. His shots were terrific; Flahavan's responses were awesome. No fancy-dan stuff; just get down and play some damn football ...
Aye, kudos to Ron & Fergie.

The only issue I would have with Fergie though was his assertion that he didn't think Eastwood would "score a better goal anywhere else in his life".

Firstly, Freddy clearly has the technical ability to score goals like that, if not better. The second interpretation could be that he won't score another in that kind of environment/scenario, but Freddy's clearly destined for bigger and better things and it'll only be a matter of time before he's plying his trade in the Prem.

Aside from that, no complaints. Ronaldo was defo up for it and was going for the win. So much so, that I think it meant he drifted inside too often, which, ironically, seemed to play into our hands. Man U didn't have any real width so never really got behind us and didn't have enough variety in their play.
yep, Ronaldo was scary last night at times with his pace.

but, like the true tw&t he is he spolis it by stomping his feet and sulking when things don't go his way - there are more mature ways of showing frustration (like taking lumps out of Heinze which I recall JCR doing with one wonderfully late tackle).

Ronaldo escaped fairly lightly in terms of abuse last night I think - no real mass concentrated booing, though lots of little jibes. He is prob deaf to that now though. Though the Family Stand showed their true spirit with a few abusive chants when he came our way. And one bloke near me, mindful of his junior seating neighbours, thoughtfully called Heize a 'pussy' which some of the kiddies thought was rather cute:)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jonesy tap-in @ Nov. 08 2006,21:29)]The only issue I would have with Fergie though was his assertion that he didn't think Eastwood would "score a better goal anywhere else in his life".
Could be one of Fergies shrewd tricks. Keeping the profile and price down before he puts in a bid in January.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jonesy tap-in @ Nov. 08 2006,22:29)]Ronaldo was defo up for it and was going for the win. So much so, that I think it meant he drifted inside too often, which, ironically, seemed to play into our hands. Man U didn't have any real width so never really got behind us and didn't have enough variety in their play.
He had to, didn't he?! No-one else was really playing for Man Ure apart from Ronaldo ~ not taking anything away from Southend but I thought Man Ure looked far from world-class last night and they knew it.
Interesting looking at the programme that Ronaldo had put the most crosses in for Man United this season (26 I think) and that Mark Gower had put the most in for us with something like 58.
Ronaldo was behaving like a petulant little kid last night though...all stroppy gestures and body language.

If my 18 month daughter behaved like that I'd tell her off!
I was surprised to see how often Ronaldo moaned and whined at his team mates for not getting to his crosses or for passing it to him in places he didnt want it. Hes a talented individual but I got the impression when he has the ball, he, or especially his team mates have no idea what he will do next and invaribly they are on different wave lengths.