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Aug 22, 2006
On the seafront c c csiders
so we head into september with cautious optimism on the playing front. How has the first month been for you? where are our strengths and our weak points? for me we have the making of a well shaped/organised team full of grit and determination. IMO to be 'up there' we still need something a bit better on the wings and deffo someone to play off corr up top. We are looking to get wide a lot and put crosses into the box, not a problem with that but we need someone in the box putting them away. The first choice back four seems pretty obvious now and should do well in the league. Maybe the loan market will bring that 'special one' in and we could start nicking the tight games that often need that bit of magic to win em. Without this type of player Im just not sure we will win enough games to get the southend public moist
Saturday will reveal all... not so much the result but how we shape up against a confident torquay
I'll be glad to get clohessy back for this one so that simpson has license to get foward and wip balls in the corr and blair/patto can get onto.

Simpson does not work at right back and we miss his forrays foward when he is there
Pleasantly surprised, to be honest... I had my reservations as to how quickly the squad would gel given how it had been thrown together in two weeks, but there seems to be a sense of understanding between them already. Back in May, I said that consolidation would be our aim first and foremost, and that certainly hasn't changed, but I'm more confident of achieving that now. I'll break the squad down into specific areas:

Morris looks a fine acquisition at this level. Great shot stopper, decent distribution and he's not bad at all in the air considering his size. Courtesy of an event I had to attend, I couldn't make last night, but it sounds as if Evans was fairly decent too.

The pivotal area of improvement, given the fact that Johnny, Johnny Herd was our only defender in June. Coughlan and Prosser look more than viable back-ups, and Coughy's presence and experience as a coach looks to be well recieved. Clohessy looks like a fine player in the making, and Gilbert looks to be more than capable at this level. Moshni really could be a very astute signing and he has all the attributes to exceed expectations, but the signing of the season for us, IMO, is Barker. He exudes class.

Keeping hold of Granty was integral, but signing Simpson up is absolutely vital. Offers great width and energy with clever, subtle passes to unlock defences... and he can certainly cross too. Easton is a tidy player without offering too much, and getting Zaaboub match-fit is a priority, as he's shown he has the passing range and ability to be creative further up the field. Haven't been overly impressed by the two wingers yet, but they're notorious confidence positions and Sturrock needs to settle on who he favours our of Soares and Hall. My preference is Hall as he can deliver a good cross and has blistering pace, although I can see his influence as an impact sub too.

Corr's precisely what we need at this level.. Someone to bully back-lines and chase down lost causes, and Sturrock could just be the surprise show of the season. He's a very intelligent player with a fantastic first touch, capable of holding the ball up and, best of all, he knows this system inside out. He won't score goals, admittedly, but if he can get 10 or so assists, then he has contributed. Paterson could prove to be one of the most frustrating players I've seen, as he has bags of ability and potential but just can't seem to use it... Looks shot of confidence lately. Can't say I've been impressed with Spencer either, nor quite see what all the fuss is about, but he's reasonably tricky and quick, which makes him a useful weapon in the final third.

Overall, we're 1 or 2 players short of a cracking little side at this level. An intuitive midfielder capable of playing in the final third of the pitch, i.e. Luke Guttridge, and a pacey, direct striker to feed off Corr/Sturrock's knock downs, i.e. Wayne Gray with a football brain, and we have all the ingredients of a successful side.
We are still short of a couple of players particularly a creative midfielder and a striker. I have no aspirations other than to avoid a relegation battle and then have a push next season. I'm most impressed with Sturrocks output. Post Port Vale his comments were spot on. Losing I can handle. Surrendering is unacceptable.
Got to say I am delighted that we have a squad that is moving forward and getting more confident as they go along. Defensively we seem to have found a formulae that works, but Bilel is going to be a huge player for us. Midfield, not quite there, don't get me wrong Grant is playing very well, Easton and Simpson have had some very good games, but as for wide players, I'm afraid that Zaboub and Soares have greatly disappointed. Hall may have something about him. Up front I just don't get Corr and Sturrock starting when we have a goal scorer in Paterson on the bench.

There's not a lot of tweaking to do, get a settled 11 and only change when required. Oh, and Barker joined permanently is aweseome, a very, very good professional.