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Football too expensive?


Jul 20, 2008
fans are being asked to pay more and more,it must all end in tears soon.

QPR are demanding as much as 50 quid to watch ,boltan and arsenal normally a sell out yet plenty of empty seats available,blackburn only 19000 in their 31000 capacity.

players demanding silly money whilst clubs oblige its all gone mad.

my 1st visit to the hall was way back in 68,not to sure of the entry fees but think adults were 50p and kids were 12p?yet today at wembley they charge £8 for burger and chips.

i reckon the prices should be as follows
prem £25 max adults kids £5
championship £20 max adults kids £3
div 1 £15 and £2
div 2 £12 and £1

hard pressed families can no longer pay to watch a workingmans sport.
workingmans sport??? there's no such thing these days!

No there isn't, more's the pity, at least not that's family orientated. You could argue about darts I suppose, but it's football that most people want to see.
The great old capitalist motto of supply & demand isn't it. Teams in the Prem want stars like Ronaldo & Robinho who demand obscene wages and they have to be kept in baby Bentleys somehow.

I can see the whole system collapsing in the near future and I for one wont weep when the Premier$hite goes down the plughole.
robinho 32 million and earning a reported 170k per week and run of the mill journeymen valued at 10 million its all gone insane.

rewind approx 5 years ago and every prem ground was packed to the rafters,today its a different story.

approx 2 years ago i was at westhams training ground and watched in amazement as young players arrived in their brand new bentleys ect.
The great old capitalist motto of supply & demand isn't it. Teams in the Prem want stars like Ronaldo & Robinho who demand obscene wages and they have to be kept in baby Bentleys somehow.

I can see the whole system collapsing in the near future and I for one wont weep when the Premier$hite goes down the plughole.

absolutely..was gonna do a thread about the very same thing after recent collapses with certain sponsors...and knock on effects in lower leagues...but couldnt be arsed to sit down and do it. After saying that, I think there will be some RADICAL changes in the not too distant future with wages and no EU players...so much to say, Only home country players and (3) Non Brits per squad. back to the good old days.
its all relative as well, I earn a decent wage and think that the 380 pound I spend on my family season ticket is great value for money, however I dont earn enough that I could get a seaso at arsenal/chelsea as they are expensive but for some of these city bods that earn loads of dosh a grand for a season at the emirates is nothing to them swings and round abouts really
Good thread mate.

Agree the prices in the top tier are simply spiralling out of control. Whilst the money in the Premiership is widening the gap, and with it, the chances of a club like us ever making it to the promised land, on the flip side it is sort of helping us too. People that may have become disillusioned with paying over the top money for a match may have decided enough is enough, and come to watch and support the lower leagues instead. Some of my mates used to travel over for Arsenal and Liverpool games, and trips would cost a weeks wages. Now instead, they don't bother, and prefer to come to Southend with me and watch players that actually do give a toss about winning. They all have their own jerseys etc. so thats more money coming into our club rather than the Prem (small amount i know, but perhaps there are many others who have changed allegiances also).
Good thread mate.

Agree the prices in the top tier are simply spiralling out of control. Whilst the money in the Premiership is widening the gap, and with it, the chances of a club like us ever making it to the promised land, on the flip side it is sort of helping us too. People that may have become disillusioned with paying over the top money for a match may have decided enough is enough, and come to watch and support the lower leagues instead. Some of my mates used to travel over for Arsenal and Liverpool games, and trips would cost a weeks wages. Now instead, they don't bother, and prefer to come to Southend with me and watch players that actually do give a toss about winning. They all have their own jerseys etc. so thats more money coming into our club rather than the Prem (small amount i know, but perhaps there are many others who have changed allegiances also).

Good point Ant, I think we may have picked up some who used to go up to North London locally as well. It's all to our club's benefit if that continues I suppose.
Good thread mate.

Agree the prices in the top tier are simply spiralling out of control. Whilst the money in the Premiership is widening the gap, and with it, the chances of a club like us ever making it to the promised land, on the flip side it is sort of helping us too. People that may have become disillusioned with paying over the top money for a match may have decided enough is enough, and come to watch and support the lower leagues instead. Some of my mates used to travel over for Arsenal and Liverpool games, and trips would cost a weeks wages. Now instead, they don't bother, and prefer to come to Southend with me and watch players that actually do give a toss about winning. They all have their own jerseys etc. so thats more money coming into our club rather than the Prem (small amount i know, but perhaps there are many others who have changed allegiances also).

I think most of you read what I post up sometime ago. But my reason for changing teams was not money based but family. But totally agree about the fact is getting to expensive to go and watch Premiership football. Even to a extent Championship football aswell
Sky T.V. helped to ruin the wage system when the started the terrific coverage of Premiership games but then made the watching public pay a fortune to watch it. They had to pump a lot of this money back into the clubs but it ended up in the very greedy players pockets, all of a sudden we have a Premiership that is dominated by foreigners.
I for one am not lining their pockets anymore as I have just cancelled my Sky Sports package. Wont mean dick to them, but it makes me feel better.
Absolute joke that us mug footie fans will make most of these guys Millionaire's for doing a part-time job that they love. Before the money spirralled, they would have been happy with say £10,000 a week. They should come and work in the real world for an average job centre wage of £8 an hour. They have no idea.
With so many lower league clubs in huge debt and in danger of folding, surely there must be a way that a cap can be made on the wages so that more money filters down to those clubs that need it more than these greedy mercanary's.
You could argue about darts I suppose, but it's football that most people want to see.

You'd have thought, but prices to watch the darts are really creeping up now.

When I first started going to the World Championships at the Circus Tavern in 2000, it cost as little as £15 for the whole day. Nowadays, at the Ally Pally, it's upwards of £60.

Where the football clubs have an advantage is of course the emotional pull. If the darts (or indeed any other leisure pursuit) starts costing too much, then people will just stop going. If you've been supporting a football team all your life though, it's much harder to stop following them because of the cost. They've got us right where they want us!
It is a sad state of affairs when a man worth a billion is not rich enough to run a succesful football club.

Chelsea are technically worth nothing.

Clubs like Liverpool and Man Utd are owned, but are part of huge debts and loans.

Sky are pumping billions into the game, as are the fans, yet clubs are in hugh debt - this proves that all the money is going out of the game.

In the next five years a major club , by major I mean a premier league club, steeped in history will go bankrupt, only then will the authorties look at changing things in our game, that will again give football "back to the people" !!!
guy i know was charged SEVENTY POUNDS to watch spurs !!!! this equates to approx 80p per minute........................madness.

agree with SKY have ruined the game,brian clough many moons ago stated TV would finish the game and he was indeed correct.

approx 12 years ago the likes of shearer ect were all spouting about playing abroad "for a new challenge" yeah right for crazy wages,then SKY get involved and suddenly shearer and the overseas players all want to play here.

one of the most sickening things for me is when these guys kiss the badge then a few months later they are plaining elsewhere and kissing that badge.

last year john terry was reported to have earnt including off pitch deals a cool 15 million.
In the next five years a major club , by major I mean a premier league club, steeped in history will go bankrupt, only then will the authorties look at changing things in our game, that will again give football "back to the people" !!!

Could argue that Leeds already have done that.
last year john terry was reported to have earnt including off pitch deals a cool 15 million.

He was obviously traumatised after the penalty miss in Moscow, so let the guy have his 15 million, he can buy a nice choo choo train set to make him feel better

In the next five years a major club , by major I mean a premier league club, steeped in history will go bankrupt, only then will the authorties look at changing things in our game, that will again give football "back to the people" !!!

It's already happened or have you forgotten about Leeds.
I know this might sound strange, but in my opinion there is not a game of football anywhere that is worth more than £10. Sometimes you get lucky enough to witness something special, sometimes your ticket price buys you a priceless moment, but you never know that until after you've paid your money.

We're talking about watching an hour and a half of what you hope is 'entertainment', with no guarantees on quality or even effort. £10 is quite fair, I think.

When I have kids, I'm going to take them to the nearest non-league ground, Underhill at this rate, and teach them about Bovril, terraces, work-rate and the art of the senseless long-ball. The first one to claim that he supports a Premier League team gets left in a cardboard box at the backdoor of the local orphanage.