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Gascoigne Friday

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Oct. 05 2004,16:29)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Napster @ Oct. 05 2004,17:27)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Oct. 05 2004,16:26)] Some good games alongside Shevchenko does not confer upon someone legendary status...
Nope otherwise we'd all be legends.
I have to confess that I played pretty poorly last time Andriy and I had a kick-about...

that's why I'm still playing and you're not.


[b said:
Quote[/b] (Napster @ Oct. 05 2004,17:38)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Oct. 05 2004,16:29)]I have to confess that I played pretty poorly last time Andriy and I had a kick-about...

that's why I'm still playing and you're not.


When you're not injured, that is...


I must confess: I'm pretty mediocre at football. A decent hockey (that's field hockey to our North American members) goalkeeper, but a very mediocre left midfielder (and, like Marky Gower, a right-footed left midfielder at that).

I don't know about the relative merits of Matt and Andriy Shevchenko, but I do know that I'll give Gazza a good reception if/when he plays on Friday.
uk_coops is bang on. This has been taken from the official Boston United Football Club website www.bostonunited.co.uk:

Gazza departs York Street
BOSTON United regret to announce that with immediate effect Paul Gascoigne has resigned from his position as player-coach.

Paul has expressed a desire to complete an intensive coaching course at Lilleshall in the near future and does aspire to play and enter management. He may indeed get that opportunity in the very near future.

Everyone at Boston United is saddened by his decision but thanks him for his extreme professionalism in the way he has conducted himself both on and off the field.

Boston United Football Club chairman Jon Sotnick commented: "It is a sad day but Paul feels he needs to fulfill his career aspirations. I personally will miss him and on behalf of everyone connected with our club, I wish him every success."

United manager Steve Evans echoed his chairman's comments and stated: "Paul has been an integral part of my management team and has played a key part in our recent success. It has indeed been an honour and a privilege to not only manage Paul but also to get to know him as a friend.

"He will always be welcome both here at the football club and at my family home. After speaking with Paul today at great length, I would like to think we will work together again, possibly sooner than people may imagine. As a friend and colleague I will miss him."
that's a shame . We'll have to do with Gazza's appearance for Spurs in a pre season friendly when IIRC he was unbelievable. He just oozed class. He also opened Ray White's sports shop in the Braodway. One of my sons who must have been about 7 at the time got a poster signed by Gazza (it actually said Gazza). Needless to say it got ripped up as kids do. Might be worth a fiver now if we stil had it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Oct. 05 2004,15:56)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Napster @ Oct. 05 2004,15:08)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Hong Kong Blue @ Oct. 05 2004,14:05)]and if it wasn't for the fact that Nottingham Forest, Barry Fry and Vic Jobson were all clearly white than white and would never be involved with a bung I'd suggest that there may have been a brown envelope or two involved.
OK, you can libel the dead but not the living.
Or rather, it's impossible to libel the dead, but very possible indeed to defame the living.

Of all the SZ members, I'd also have expected young Matthew to have been a little more circumspect, what with the legal background and all that.  The use of sarcasm is always a tricky one... and ultimately, I think I'm right in saying that the test for defamation is what it was intended to be understood from the statement as published...


As for the Lee situation, I can't see why you would want to give him abuse.  He was here for 7 months, scored 6 goals, and we made £50K profit.  Just what exactly is bad about any of that from a Southend United point of view?

So far as I can see, Lee's time at Roots Hall was beneficial to both player and club.  Of extremely limited benefit, perhaps; but beneficial nonetheless.

That being so, why boo him?  Hasn't he had a bad enough time elsewhere?


Good point.

I'm possibly libelling Notts Forest by associating them with scum like Judas Fry.

However I plead fair comment, as I believe this is a matter of public interest, and in respect of the only potentially defamatory aspect, I'm expressing an opinion.
Whilst I would not suggest in any shape or form that Gazza's departure coincides with the fall in sales of his autobiography, would people believe, like me, that is was most frightfully fortuitous coincidence that his acceptance of the Boston coaching role ran concurrently with his book launch and his departure happens at a time when the book sales have died down?  A remarkable coincidence indeed.
*******!!!! means I have to re-write loads of the programme now!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Groyne Strain @ Oct. 05 2004,20:31)]Whilst I would not suggest in any shape or form that Gazza's departure coincides with the fall in sales of his autobiography, would people believe, like me, that is was most frightfully fortuitous coincidence that his acceptance of the Boston coaching role ran concurrently with his book launch and his departure happens at a time when the book sales have died down?  A remarkable coincidence indeed.
What ever next you'll be saying that the home crowds at Roots Hall are allways spot on as reported in the papers next day
That's a shame. It'd have been nice to have seen him at the Hall, even if it was just warming up whilst perving over the Blue Belles at half time! Especially for us too young to have seen him when he played for Spurs against us.

Typical that he chooses to quit the week he's due to come to Roots Hall!
Still, I assume Jason Lee will be there, oh joy.

Re Best, anyone remember when he turned up for Bournemouth in 1982 I think it was? He was sh*te. It was 0-0, but it was a loverly day to sprawl out on the South Bank and take a nap.
everyone knows gazza is a legend.. lets respect him the guy scored a world class goal against the jocks and then had lager sprayed into his mouth what more can u ask of him... He's here he's there he's every f**king where paul gascoigne.... paul gascoigne... we'' see u in the pub we'll see u in the pub we'll see u in the pub lol
I was looking forward to the views and opinion of the artist formerly known as "Shagster" on the issue of Gazza!!


Real shame that Gazzawon't be coming down to the Hall on friday. I was really hoping to see a living legend of the game play a competative match here. I know he played here 15 years ago, but it would have been nice to have seen him again.

On the topic of legendary opponents though, I'd like to throw the name of Matt Le Tissier in there. You talk about your Gazza's, etc but in terms of natural ability I've never seen anyone like Le Tiss, certainly not an Englishman and certainly not playing against us.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (W4 Shrimper @ Oct. 05 2004,18:15)]I don't know about the relative merits of Matt and Andriy Shevchenko
Depends what you're talking about, James. At football, I'll concede that he's a fair bit better than me. At public speaking or advocacy in general, on the other hand, I'm Premier League whilst Andriy's in the Conference...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Hong Kong Blue @ Oct. 05 2004,20:19)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Hong Kong Blue @ Oct. 05 2004,14:05)]and if it wasn't for the fact that Nottingham Forest, Barry Fry and Vic Jobson were all clearly white than white and would never be involved with a bung I'd suggest that there may have been a brown envelope or two involved.

However I plead fair comment, as I believe this is a matter of public interest, and in respect of the only potentially defamatory aspect, I'm expressing an opinion.
* Fair comment: you'd have to prove that
* Public interest: debatable; and in any event, is only a qualified defence to defamation, isn't it?
* Opinion: so? Opinion as to character can still be defamatory...

Fair comment is the only defence you've got, Matthew... if you want to go ahead and prove they didn't take bungs, be our guest...

