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HT Youth Pulls

* ORM *

Still Loves Emma Bunton. Roy McDonough is God!
Nov 7, 2003
Flying the flag for SUFC in Sai Kung, Hong Kong
Certainly not complaining - I don't think he is strong enough for U20 but I've mailed the relevant person anyway. Either way this should net me around about £700K - not too shabby and it's about time I had a decent YP - I think I went the whole of last season without anything remotely resembling a football player.

James Esmonde-Cleary (128332080)
17 years, passable form, healthy
A popular guy who is balanced and dishonest.
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities.

Speciality: Quick

Nationality: England
Total Skill Index (TSI): 980
Wage: 467 £/week
Owner: Shrimperzone F.C.
Warnings: 0
Injuries: Healthy

Stamina: weak Goalkeeping: disastrous
Playmaking: poor Passing: passable
Winger: poor Defending: wretched
Scoring: SOLID Set Pieces: wretched

Shame he's not a bit younger,

Michael Leslie (128470936)
19 years, passable form, healthy
A controversial person who is calm and dishonest.
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.

Nationality: England
Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 400
Wage: 520 £/week
Owner: The Shrimpers
Warnings: 0
Injuries: Healthy

Stamina: weak Goalkeeping: disastrous
Playmaking: poor Passing: poor
Winger: solid Defending: solid
Scoring: poor Set Pieces: weak
Got a nice string of wretcheds. Waiting for the special one again but in fairness, about half my team is homegrown.
Bloody hell Toddy, 17 and he'd have been worth a mint!
MtS is also happy.  Query - do I keep or do I sell...?


Trevor Langford (128528105)  
17 years, passable form, healthy  
A pleasant guy who is balanced and upright.
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities.

Nationality:  England  
Total Skill Index (TSI):   520
Wage:  440 £/week  
Owner:  Southend United Football Club  
Warnings:  0  
Injuries:  Healthy  

Stamina:    poor   Goalkeeping:    disastrous  
Playmaking:    weak   Passing:    poor  
Winger:    weak   Defending:    poor  
Scoring:    solid   Set Pieces:    passable

Part of me would love to keep him and train him up - I'm going back to scorer training this season, and I can make this guy the main impetus of my yoof policy.

Or do I flog him because I desperately need cover in midfield...?  Thoughts?


Current bidding at 950K with a few minutes left. I've seen players with a bit higher TSI going for 1.5 mill so I reckon I'm on for 1.1 mill. That'll do nicely and selling a formidable midfielder tomorrow morning should enable me to invest in a second (hopefully) WC IM - and I can still make a profit on wages.

Happy days - I now think I have a serious chance of finishing top of my division.

Up to 1 mill.

Nope make that 1.020 mill  

And now 1.132 mill. Surely that's the lot !

Well f%&k ME with a rather large todger. Someone upped the ante to 1.5 million. They must be ****ed but I sure as hell ain't complaining. WOO and indeed HOO !

Well the U20 coach ain't gonna be happy. A Dutch guy came in with a late bid of 1.53 million adding 1.422 to the bank account. I should get north of 200K for the IM on sale in the morning.

Could still afford a titanic IM from England or a supernatural from anywhere and still break even on wages but I'm going to do some careful thinking first.

And to round off a pretty satisfactory few days I've just picked up a supernatural IM for an absolute bargain £1.3 million. Wages of 22K per week won't be a problem. Below average secondaries (inadequate passing and scoring) but should still be a cut above the rest of the division. Tempted to throw him into the cup match tonight.