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Junior Blues Coordinator⭐⭐
Dec 27, 2007
Starts tomorrow night, 10 contestants, plus a couple of spaces for wild card additions. What say the wider SZ public, shall we undertake our usual sweepstake....£10 entry, half of which to the Zone for running costs and half to the winner?

Contestants as follows:

Helen Flanagan - our Rawsie from Corry
David Haye - former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion
Ashley Roberts - former Pussycat Doll
Hugo Taylor - "made in Chelsea" star (in other words, ***** reality star!)
Charlie Brooks - Eastenders' Janine Butcher
Brian Conley - "it's a puppppeeetttt!" comedian, actor
Nadine Dorries - Tory MP, just been told off by the important people in the Tory party for her part in this
Colin Baker - eccentric actor, best known as the 6th Doctor Who
Linda Robson - Essex girl, one third of Birds of a Feather
Eric Bristow - the Crafty Cockney of Darts folklore

I reckon we can allow for two wildcards so if 12 people can stump up £10 each by 7 p.m. tomorrow, I reckon we have ourselves a contest. No money until we have commitment to take part.

I'm in. Hoping that rumours that The Rock might make an appearance are true!
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Wasn't Colin Baker the 6th Doctor, not the 4th?

Yes, sorry, got my Bakers mixed for a moment there!

Ok, more people needed by 7 p.m. tonight, please. No money until we're sure we have the number of people we need. Please copy and paste your name to the list if you want to join in:

Kent Shrimper
Berrichone shrimper
Kent Shrimper
Berrichone shrimper
Mighty Shrimper
Uncle Leo
Kent Shrimper
Berrichone shrimper
Mighty Shrimper
Uncle Leo
Ok, thanks guys, we have 10 which is the "official" number of contestants. £10 entry via Paypal through Cricko or Ken's links on their posts - 50% to the Zone, 50% to the winner. If by any chance someone extra comes in, then I suggest the person who has the 1st evictee takes them.

I'll do the draw in a bit....

Ken or John, can you keep on top of the payments received please?
Ok, thanks guys, we have 10 which is the "official" number of contestants. £10 entry via Paypal through Cricko or Ken's links on their posts - 50% to the Zone, 50% to the winner. If by any chance someone extra comes in, then I suggest the person who has the 1st evictee takes them.

I'll do the draw in a bit....

Ken or John, can you keep on top of the payments received please?

I will record the payments received.
Ok, draw as follows:

Ldnfatso - Brian Conley
SupaBlues - David Haye
madaboutblues - Colin Baker
Berrichone shrimper - Linda Robson
mcnasty - Ashley Roberts
OBL - Eric Bristow
Mighty Shrimper - Nadine Dorries (Good luck!)
Uncle Leo - Charlie Brooks
Kent Shrimper - Hugo Taylor
Cricko - Helen Flanagan