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International 'Burn a Koran Day'


Staff member
Nov 2, 2008
Sunny Grays
A small church in Florida are having a "burn a koran" day, where they invite people to roll up, and burn the religious book of Islam.

So what's everyone's thoughts?

IMO, why stop there? get shot of all religions and be done with it.

Can see the Islamic nutcases wanting retrobution for this....

The Deep South have always put the Fun in Fundamentalist...

In all fairness, if a video emerged of islamic fundamentalists burning crucifixes and copies of the bible, then it'd be villified in exactly the same manner... This isn't a case of double standards, it's a case of them both being as bad as eachother.

I personally await the day Dawkins appears on Newsnight burning all religious text.
A small church in Florida are having a "burn a koran" day, where they invite people to roll up, and burn the religious book of Islam.

So what's everyone's thoughts?

IMO, why stop there? get shot of all religions and be done with it.

Can see the Islamic nutcases wanting retrobution for this....


I believe God would prefer a more compassionate statement of intent such as killing all firstborn sons.
The Deep South have always put the Fun in Fundamentalist...

In all fairness, if a video emerged of islamic fundamentalists burning crucifixes and copies of the bible, then it'd be villified in exactly the same manner... This isn't a case of double standards, it's a case of them both being as bad as eachother.

I personally await the day Dawkins appears on Newsnight burning all religious text.

It's difficult to see what religion they are, beneath those white robes.
Religion is so stupid, as it depends where you are born or what religion your parents follow. So you don't actually see the light, you are pushed or guided or brainwashed down that particular religions path, because of the beliefs of others.
Religion is so stupid, as it depends where you are born or what religion your parents follow. So you don't actually see the light, you are pushed or guided or brainwashed down that particular religions path, because of the beliefs of others.

Unless of course you're a fan of Science Fiction like Star Wars, War of the Worlds, etc... in which case there's a great best-seller by L. Ron Hubbard that can really do some damage.
Religion is so stupid, as it depends where you are born or what religion your parents follow. So you don't actually see the light, you are pushed or guided or brainwashed down that particular religions path, because of the beliefs of others.

Bit like being a football fan then, really...
I wonder if the church will cash in by selling 'Ayatollah - Assahola' T-shirts as warn by Homer Simpson during the Iranian hostage crisis.
The worst offenders are the ****s that state their religion as Jedi.

I was in the jobcentreplus in Southend a few weeks ago, looking for a job. I was searching on the job terminal right near the phones. A guy of about 27 was sitting at one of those phones they all queue up for, with his partner and about an Eight year old little girl, standing by his side.The butch woman security guard came over to him and said, would you mind removing your hood, no hoodies allowed in here. He said, yes I do mind, as I am wearing it for my religious beliefs. Then a female manager came over and asked him to remove it. He said, definitely not, because of my religion. His partner shouted at him, ''leave it Paul, just leave it, take off the stupid hood''. He said ''No, I'm not avin it, they can't make me''. She said, ''We haven't come in here for this, you always do this to me'', and she stormed out with the little girl. Now a male security guard has come over as well, he was asked what religion, he said, ''The religion of the Jedi, I am in fact, a Jedi Knight''. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I thought, what a plum. They said we don't care what religion you are, take down the hood or leave the building. He shouted, ''Bollox'', and said ''you're gonna have to make me''. He then came out with, ''If a Muslim woman comes in here wearing a Hijab, will you ask her to remove the top bit and show her whole head''. I actually thought he had a good point there. One of the guards then infuriated him by saying ''Jedi is not even a religion''. He stood up and looked like he was going to explode, and shouted ''Not a religion, not a religion, go and look it up on the computer, dicksquat''.
After a little whispering, the jobcentre workers obviously had decided that they would let the police deal with him, and they told him they were on their way. He said ''let them come, One way or the other, I am leaving here with my hood up, as I am a follower of the Jedi''.
The sad thing is, the little girl came back at that point and said ''Daddy, Mummy is outside crying, and she said if you don't stop all this, she's leaving'' He said'' I don't care, I'm fighting for my religion here''.
I had to get going at this point, so I don't know what happened. But I know this pathetic trumped up religion has had a bad affect on this family.
I was in the jobcentreplus in Southend a few weeks ago, looking for a job. I was searching on the job terminal right near the phones. A guy of about 27 was sitting at one of those phones they all queue up for, with his partner and about an Eight year old little girl, standing by his side.The butch woman security guard came over to him and said, would you mind removing your hood, no hoodies allowed in here. He said, yes I do mind, as I am wearing it for my religious beliefs. Then a female manager came over and asked him to remove it. He said, definitely not, because of my religion. His partner shouted at him, ''leave it Paul, just leave it, take off the stupid hood''. He said ''No, I'm not avin it, they can't make me''. She said, ''We haven't come in here for this, you always do this to me'', and she stormed out with the little girl. Now a male security guard has come over as well, he was asked what religion, he said, ''The religion of the Jedi, I am in fact, a Jedi Knight''. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I thought, what a plum. They said we don't care what religion you are, take down the hood or leave the building. He shouted, ''Bollox'', and said ''you're gonna have to make me''. He then came out with, ''If a Muslim woman comes in here wearing a Hijab, will you ask her to remove the top bit and show her whole head''. I actually thought he had a good point there. One of the guards then infuriated him by saying ''Jedi is not even a religion''. He stood up and looked like he was going to explode, and shouted ''Not a religion, not a religion, go and look it up on the computer, dicksquat''.
After a little whispering, the jobcentre workers obviously had decided that they would let the police deal with him, and they told him they were on their way. He said ''let them come, One way or the other, I am leaving here with my hood up, as I am a follower of the Jedi''.
The sad thing is, the little girl came back at that point and said ''Daddy, Mummy is outside crying, and she said if you don't stop all this, she's leaving'' He said'' I don't care, I'm fighting for my religion here''.
I had to get going at this point, so I don't know what happened. But I know this pathetic trumped up religion has had a bad affect on this family.

They struck him down but they couldnt win as he only came back more powerful than they could have imagined....

In fairness it wasnt a pathetic trumped up religion thats had an effect on his family, its the idiot hoodie who doesnt like being told what to do and making a scene and using some pathetic excuse to try to get away with it.
I was in the jobcentreplus in Southend a few weeks ago, looking for a job. I was searching on the job terminal right near the phones. A guy of about 27 was sitting at one of those phones they all queue up for, with his partner and about an Eight year old little girl, standing by his side.The butch woman security guard came over to him and said, would you mind removing your hood, no hoodies allowed in here. He said, yes I do mind, as I am wearing it for my religious beliefs. Then a female manager came over and asked him to remove it. He said, definitely not, because of my religion. His partner shouted at him, ''leave it Paul, just leave it, take off the stupid hood''. He said ''No, I'm not avin it, they can't make me''. She said, ''We haven't come in here for this, you always do this to me'', and she stormed out with the little girl. Now a male security guard has come over as well, he was asked what religion, he said, ''The religion of the Jedi, I am in fact, a Jedi Knight''. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I thought, what a plum. They said we don't care what religion you are, take down the hood or leave the building. He shouted, ''Bollox'', and said ''you're gonna have to make me''. He then came out with, ''If a Muslim woman comes in here wearing a Hijab, will you ask her to remove the top bit and show her whole head''. I actually thought he had a good point there. One of the guards then infuriated him by saying ''Jedi is not even a religion''. He stood up and looked like he was going to explode, and shouted ''Not a religion, not a religion, go and look it up on the computer, dicksquat''.
After a little whispering, the jobcentre workers obviously had decided that they would let the police deal with him, and they told him they were on their way. He said ''let them come, One way or the other, I am leaving here with my hood up, as I am a follower of the Jedi''.
The sad thing is, the little girl came back at that point and said ''Daddy, Mummy is outside crying, and she said if you don't stop all this, she's leaving'' He said'' I don't care, I'm fighting for my religion here''.
I had to get going at this point, so I don't know what happened. But I know this pathetic trumped up religion has had a bad affect on this family.

Really good story (shame we don't know the end though) but I think you miss the point a bit in your final comment. Although, in this case, Jam Man is right that this guy was just trying to stop the jobsworths pushing him around, the whole Jedi thing had a serious point which is: what makes a religion a religion? If I want to invent a religion with my own beliefs and codes (or whatever) then what is to stop that being less valid than, say, Christianity, which is in reality based on little more than fresh air. Just because Christianity is 2000 years old and has attracted hundreds of millions of followers, doesn't mean that it's more legit than anything that might be made up, like Jedi Knights.

Personally, I don't really see why any religion should command any more respect than Jedi Knight religion, and it gets my goat when people (often politicians) say that we should "respect" people's religion. Would you respect a belief of someone that there were fairies at the bottom of their garden?

As for these book burners in the US, they are almost as loopy as the guys that flew the planes into the buildings in the first place - but fortunately the consequences aren't as serious.
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Another day, another way the Yanks are ****ing someone off. They will probabyl all gather round the bonfire, high fiving each other before going to play soccer and watching the World Series (surely the 'WORLD' series should incoporate another part of the world?) but no of coruse - because I forgot the Yanks are the world. Most probably think that. I mean only roughly 30% have a passport so how much of the World have most of them scene? Most probably think we rock around in bowler hats all day saying tip-top and have a bonny day, while the Germans are still divided by a big wall, the Russians always walk around doign that 'silly dance' and the French stink (well guess they are close on that one) Most yanks are just part of a ignorant, arrogant and mindless society and the special friendship we have them? What the one where we bend over and they roger us from behind!! We are all powerful, we are all great. Well you know what - go be all powerful and great over there and let the rest of us carry on with our pityful and meaningless exsitence!!! :headbang:
Another day, another way the Yanks are ****ing someone off. They will probabyl all gather round the bonfire, high fiving each other before going to play soccer and watching the World Series (surely the 'WORLD' series should incoporate another part of the world?) but no of coruse - because I forgot the Yanks are the world. Most probably think that. I mean only roughly 30% have a passport so how much of the World have most of them scene? Most probably think we rock around in bowler hats all day saying tip-top and have a bonny day, while the Germans are still divided by a big wall, the Russians always walk around doign that 'silly dance' and the French stink (well guess they are close on that one) Most yanks are just part of a ignorant, arrogant and mindless society and the special friendship we have them? What the one where we bend over and they roger us from behind!! We are all powerful, we are all great. Well you know what - go be all powerful and great over there and let the rest of us carry on with our pityful and meaningless exsitence!!! :headbang:

Yeah, aren't the Yanks terrible with their sweeping generalisations and their corruption of the English language?