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It's time for a change Mr Tilson!


Oct 20, 2006

C'mon Tilly!!!! It's so easy, make the change!!!

We can't defend, and we don't create enough chances!! Is it any wonder that we're bottom!?!?!?!

The time has come....we have to make do with the players that we have (except James Lawson!!).

There is a system that I believe will suit us more than that horribly rigid and far too predictable 4-4-2 that Tilly seems glued to.

It's time for 3-5-2!!!

Yes, I know that there are a lot of people who don't like changing systems, and many don't like xmas trees and diamonds, but times are VERY desperate!!! We need to adapt, we have to try something, don't we???....what have we got to lose??

We need to attack and defend as a unit. This system allows us to do this. I actually am a bit of a 4-4-2 man myself, but Guess what folks?!?!?! It ain't working with the players that we have!!! I think that a 3-5-2 sytem must be worth a try as it looks to me more solid at the back and more of a threat going forward.

My Team to play Wolves on Saturday:






- G
[b said:
Quote[/b] (secondalibi @ Nov. 30 2006,18:02)]Changes?

C'mon Tilly!!!! It's so easy, make the change!!!

We can't defend, and we don't create enough chances!! Is it any wonder that we're bottom!?!?!?!

The time has come....we have to make do with the players that we have (except James Lawson!!).

There is a system that I believe will suit us more than that horribly rigid and far too predictable 4-4-2 that Tilly seems glued to.

It's time for 3-5-2!!!

Yes, I know that there are a lot of people who don't like changing systems, and many don't like xmas trees and diamonds, but times are VERY desperate!!! We need to adapt, we have to try something, don't we???....what have we got to lose??

We need to attack and defend as a unit. This system allows us to do this. I actually am a bit of a 4-4-2 man myself, but Guess what folks?!?!?! It ain't working with the players that we have!!! I think that a 3-5-2 sytem must be worth a try as it looks to me more solid at the back and more of a threat going forward.

My Team to play Wolves on Saturday:






- G
I must say I do like the look of that formation!
i like the idea of the formation you have sugguested.

you are spot on when you say we have nothing to lose, our system isn't workign at the moment and i think we might do well to try a change

gd thread
Nice formation. An extra centre back should stop leaking in goals, hopefully.
Not to sure about Prior in the middle as he seems to have struggled this season.
What about playing Prior just behind Barrett and Sodje in a sweeper role. Then he wouldn't have to do too much running but would still be there.


                     Barrett            Sodje

Francis                                           Hammel
    Riera                                         Gower

               Eastwood               Bradbury

How about something like that with Gower and Riera tucking into centre when the opposition is in possesion.
Obvously Maher would feature in there when he is back from suspension.
would be a bit concerned about leaving Francis on his own down the right against Mcindoe (or Danny Jones, who made a rather scary 60-yard run down the left for them on tuesday).
What is this Italy in 1987 ?

3 centrebacks doesnt work, they dont like it. Leads to confusion and lack of understanding, not more stability.

Did everyone miss the England game ?