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Myself and a few others went to the game last night, at first it appeared that the great mass of away support was really getting behind the team.

About halfway through the first half an individual (an adult  and not a child) decided it would be big and clever to sing the following songs to Bart, who was defending the goal directly infront of us:-

"If you all hate Bart clap your hands"
"Bart Gremink is a paedophile"
"Daryl Flahavan"
"You're **** and you know you are"

The real fans had decided at this point that enough was enough and asked the gentleman to refrain from singing such songs and to get behind the team. The gentleman and a few of his croneys didnt take kindly to this request and tried to attack the other fans on more than one occassion. They had to be physically restrained by geniune fans.

The whole situation spoiled an excellent game of football and Bart turned in the best performance of the season. Personally that was the saddest and sickest experience I have had to endure during my 25 years of being a Southend United fan!

Bart is a better keeper than flahavan will ever be. Thats all that needs to be said.
I saw this incident and said at the time that this is exactly what happens when the messageboards spill over in to the stands. people seem to think that just because they prefer one or the other they can totally abuse the other and get away with it. I fully respect the bloke who told the person singing the songs to shut up, and did well not to lash out at the bloke who jumped over the seats to try to hit him. (and he done well in the halftime shoot-out)
I have to admit I didn't witness the above incident, but I hope those involved were quickly told, in no uncertain terms, that are c***s.


Thats left a slightly bitter sweet taste, because the support last night was f*ckin fantastic.
Name and shame them! We can do without this kind of supporter whether it's home or away. Incidentally, there was someone in the west stand making monkey noises on Friday, which I think was directed at the referee, shortly after a decision went against us. I guess some people never learn or fail to grow up when it comes to football.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Spaceman Spiff @ Dec. 01 2004,13:58)]I dont think we'd need too many guesses to get it right, Matt  
Are you thinking what I'm thinking...

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>WIGGY OUT!</span>

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Guest @ Dec. 01 2004,13:18)]Myself and a few others went to the game last night, at first it appeared that the great mass of away support was really getting behind the team.

About halfway through the first half an individual (an adult  and not a child) decided it would be big and clever to sing the following songs to Bart, who was defending the goal directly infront of us:-

"If you all hate Bart clap your hands"
"Bart Gremink is a paedophile"
"Daryl Flahavan"
"You're **** and you know you are"

The real fans had decided at this point that enough was enough and asked the gentleman to refrain from singing such songs and to get behind the team. The gentleman and a few of his croneys didnt take kindly to this request and tried to attack the other fans on more than one occassion. They had to be physically restrained by geniune fans.

The whole situation spoiled an excellent game of football and Bart turned in the best performance of the season. Personally that was the saddest and sickest experience I have had to endure during my 25 years of being a Southend United fan!

I didn't witness this incident but I did hear a brief rendition of the circus/clown tune when Bart was taking a goal kick midway through the first half. Idiots.

On a more positive note, there must have been a good 400 shrimpers there. Fantastic support for a midweek away game.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Dec. 01 2004,14:02)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Spaceman Spiff @ Dec. 01 2004,13:58)]I dont think we'd need too many guesses to get it right, Matt  
Are you thinking what I'm thinking...

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>WIGGY OUT!</span>

Ooohhh careful Matt - from a lawyer too. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.

I don't even think Wiggy would stoop to that level. Not that I know who Wiggy is even - but one of his posts after the Grimsby match gave credit to Bart.

There is a bloke who sits in the RBS who last year tried to lead the chorus of "Wignall Out" when it wasn't warranted. He didn't take too kindly to me and my mate telling him to be quiet and although he didn't exactly climb across the seats to attack me I think that's only because I am about twice his size! He has however been strangely quiet since then.

I'm not saying it's him of course. But I agree, if anyone knows who it is, let us name and shame. If enough loyal fans stand up to the morons, they might get the hint.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (fbm @ Dec. 01 2004,14:24)]Ooohhh careful Matt - from a lawyer too.  Innocent until proven guilty and all that.
Not in the court of MtS - guilty until proven innocent, if I don't like the look of you...


It was a bit harsh of me; but the way in which he is so prompt to criticise Bart does really annoy me at times...

I can&#39;t believe some of our &#39;fans&#39; sometimes. What on Earth does it achieve to abuse one of our players during the game? Especially a goalkeeper keeping a clean sheet.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (tommytwoholes @ Dec. 01 2004,13:24)]Bart is a better keeper than flahavan will ever be. Thats all that needs to be said.
No way dude&#33;

Darryl will always be number one over Bart&#33;
Give Bart his due, he played very well against Grimsby on fri night. But i just think Flavs is far more consistent&#33;
Your heart is not in your mouth all the time when the ball goes near Flav&#39;s.
Look how many times Flav&#39;s has kept us in games this season and last.
If one cannot shout or even sing his opinion at a game of football, then what is the point in going. To clap politely and cheer the other team on? we all know that flavs is a far better keeper than bart will ever be.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (CS J @ Dec. 01 2004,17:42)]If one cannot shout or even sing his opinion at a game of football, then what is the point in going. To clap politely and cheer the other team on? we all know that flavs is a far better keeper than bart will ever be.
I guess it depends on whether you&#39;re there to support your team or mouth off at them.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (CS J @ Dec. 01 2004,17:42)]If one cannot shout or even sing his opinion at a game of football, then what is the point in going. To clap politely and cheer the other team on? we all know that flavs is a far better keeper than bart will ever be.
No we don&#39;t all know that at all. Neither are adequate to make a real impression on this division.

Following your logic, racist taunts should also be allowed if you are of that persuasion.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (CS J @ Dec. 01 2004,17:42)]If one cannot shout or even sing his opinion at a game of football, then what is the point in going. To clap politely and cheer the other team on? we all know that flavs is a far better keeper than bart will ever be.
The point of going, surely is to SUPPORT your team. By barracking or abusing our players you are actually going a long way towards causing the mistakes that have led to your poor opinion of that player in the first place, and putting us at a disadvantage before we even start.

If you realy feel that strongly that you have to abuse him during a game, then go sit with the away fans &#39;cos that&#39;s where you&#39;d belong.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (CS J @ Dec. 01 2004,17:42)]If one cannot shout or even sing his opinion at a game of football, then what is the point in going. To clap politely and cheer the other team on? we all know that flavs is a far better keeper than bart will ever be.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]we all know that flavs is a far better keeper than bart will ever be.

Sorry to state the obvious, but we clearly don&#39;t otherwise we wouldn&#39;t be having this dialogue.

Anyway, if even that were true, whats the point of abusing Bart at the moment? Flavs is injured so can&#39;t play anyway&#33;

I&#39;ve said it before, some fans do much more harm than good, and I don&#39;t care how many home and away games they go to, if they can&#39;t support the players in Blue shirts then they are not true fans or supporters. As far as I am concerned they can go and &quot;support&quot; someone else.

The point of going is to support the team and (hopefully) watch them win. Sometimes casual supporters go to see the opposition (it they are decent).

Only a complete knob goes along to abuse his own team members.

We aren&#39;t talking about voicing opinions here - we&#39;re talking about sick abuse aimed at players who haven&#39;t actually done anything wrong. Everyone yells out something detrimental to a player that&#39;s made a ****-up, but then so probably will the manager and his team mates, and the player himself is thinking that. That&#39;s an instant and often knee-jerk reaction.

However, I don&#39;t suppose any of Barts team mates call him a paedophile.

It would be so, so interesting to see if those same people would say it to Grieminks face. I somehow doubt it.

What about you CS J? Would you? Or, in the shadow of a 6&#39;3&quot; Dutchman with hands like dinner plates would you cower meekly, hold out a pen and programme and ask politely for an autograph? Then boast about how Bart Griemink is your &quot;mate&quot; because you had half a conversation with him?

Go on - I dare you. Down the training ground, wait for the end, then tell him what you think of him. Any player in fact. Give &#39;em hell.

Hope you&#39;re in BUPA.