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Youth Team
May 9, 2005
Brentwood, Essex
I was supposed to go to Aberystwyth university open day today, and therefore couldnt go to the Queen concert in Hyde Park. However, afer a change in career direction, I opted out of Aber... open day. As lastminute.com was the only place that sent the tickets that late (it was sunday, the gig was supposed to be yesterday) i went though it despite being a bit more expensive. nearly a week on the tickets still havent arrived, however i did not miss the gig as it has been moved to next week after the tragedy of thursday. for a company that specialise in being "last minute", i find it shocking that they can take £50+ out of your account immediately, but cant get tickets to you.
but thats not even the real issue here. lastminute.com is the perfect example of over-automated services. its almost impossible to reach a real person. the automated service is so specialised and specific, yet it misses off huge areas. for example, in the contact us section, one of the questions is what is your booking stage? the only option is "i havent booked yet." i have booked, but i had to fill something out because it would let me send it off without it. but by going on the "i havent" section all the options are about special deals and cr*p like that.
the point of this long and very boring post is just to advise you from choosing lastminute.com if you want something really last minute, as as soon as there is a problem they are no-where to be seen.
just wanted to make sure no-one else has to go through this. the fact that they do holidays means one of you could get screwed out of a lot more than £50 one day
Thats the risk you take...

When I went to Oz at xmas, I booked the last hotel room at a really nice hotel with Last Minute and everything was brill, so that and other experiences with them means I really like lastminute...
Well, talking of recent concerts... I saw Gilberto Gil in London last night. What a legend. As Ministers of Culture go, he sure knocks Tessa Jowell into a cocked hat...!!


A superb gig... muitos lembranças de, e um poco de saudade prá, Brasil…
