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Missing 'Zoners

Can I just point out that I thought Aberdeen Shrimper was a complete and utter dullard and I'm glad he's gone? Thanks.

Oh, and I miss Lord Griff, Deadly Monkfish and goochdoghighfives.

Aberdeen was a top poster ...and a Shrimper

Lord Griff was ..and i am sure still is, will continue to be and in fact will always be a penis ... and a sadO .. i think that sums it up really
Your word is my, etc.


Haha .. thats the beast :clap:
Aberdeen was a top poster ...and a Shrimper

Lord Griff was ..and i am sure still is, will continue to be and in fact will always be a penis ... and a sadO .. i think that sums it up really

Damn and blast Lee, I can't give out any more rep today. Please remind me lest I forget, that this post is thoroughly deserving of some green.
Damn and blast Lee, I can't give out any more rep today. Please remind me lest I forget, that this post is thoroughly deserving of some green.

Why thank you kind miss ... i do believe J_S forgets he is from the other side of the tracks sometimes ;)
As others have said FM13 turns out to have been right in a few things, bit suprised he hasnt been on rubbing everyones noses in it.

Statski's shout of the Leopard is a great one, love to see him post on the board again.

As for Aberdeen or Griff if I had to choose one of the to come back there would beone more scummer on the board.
Aberdeen was a top poster ...and a Shrimper

Lord Griff was ..and i am sure still is, will continue to be and in fact will always be a penis ... and a sadO .. i think that sums it up really

I always found Lord Griff a reasonable poster with a sense of humour, I know in the heat of the Orient games aftermath, maybe not the best time for this but if we had won the games then I am sure he would have taken our digs at him well.

AS was too emotional for me and took this board way too seriously. I am guessing his best posts must have been in the one thread I do not read - ShrimperZone Live
Anyway, when did GlasgowSUFC disappear?


Oi Oi Oi Oi
Kick a man when he's down & had his work internet usage monitored!
Will 15,000 posts ever come around?

Blimey, when was that?

If you read this Rich, didn't mean it mate.;)

Cor, that's nice innit? ? ? :darkcloud:

For what it's worth, I think a certain ex-poster living in north-east Scotland has come in for a lot of unnecessary criticism on this thread today. OK, I concur that at times he got far too animated with his reactions if the discussion wasn't necessarily his point of view, but you at least have to admit the man has a very strong love for SUFC. I've had conversations with Dave before his departure to try & get him to chill out a bit on here regarding how he was acting.

What AS (at the time), and a number of other people could do with taking on board is THIS IS AN INTERNET FORUM, IT'S NOT REAL LIFE. People will react differently behind a keyboard to something that's said than if the exact same thing was conveyed to them in a pub for example. Personally, I think it's great I've now got to meet a good 30 or 40 of the regular posters on here and I now class a number of them as good friends of mine, certainly not just people I happen to coincidentally support the same football team as.
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Good post Rich, and welcome back from wherever you disappeared to briefly! I think, people are maybe judging our mutual friend on a few incidents that are memorable for the wrong reasons, rather than remembering some of the good things that he said. And without doubt, his support for our club is unquestionable.

If only that was true. I have lost count of the hours I have spent dealing with people arguing, sulking, abusing, threatening and generally being pillocks on the Zone. To a lot of people it's their only life, let alone real life.
It is quite comical how people react on internet forums compared to real life, I guess it is down to the indirect method of communication, and also the interpretation of a post plays a big part on this.
If only that was true. I have lost count of the hours I have spent dealing with people arguing, sulking, abusing, threatening and generally being pillocks on the Zone. To a lot of people it's their only life, let alone real life.

It's like 'The Matrix' with worse haircuts, clothes and obsessives on the periphary of society.
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It is quite comical how people react on internet forums compared to real life, I guess it is down to the indirect method of communication, and also the interpretation of a post plays a big part on this.

you b*stard!