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Most disappointing games ever made?


Staff member
Nov 2, 2008
Sunny Grays
Following on from the 'Best game' thread, have you ever been looking forward to a game so much, but when you actually got it, it didn't meet your expectations at all?

My ones,

GTA:IV. BIG letdown for me. After all the hype i literally couldn't wait for this to come out, but was proper disappointed. Not a patch on Vice City.

Rainbow six:Vegas 2. Played this for about 30 mins the 1st day it came out, and swiftly exchanged it 2 days later.

CoD5; WaW. Didn't think it was anywhere near as good as CoD4.

Pro Evo 09; Nowhere near as good as Pro 06, the best in the series. Infact it's all gone downhill since then.
CoD5; WaW. Didn't think it was anywhere near as good as CoD4.


Disagree, think its miles better. Every weapon in COD4 can hit someone with a headshot from about 4 miles away. I prefer something a bit less accurate with loads more recoil like some of the WW2 guns.

Medal of Honour Pacific Assault - total rubbish

Completely failed to capture the essence of the show.

GTA IV was never going to live up to the hype. Plus it has the problem of trying to create 80-100 new levels out of the same 'drive somewhere, shoot someone, lose your wanted level' routine that they've had to use since 2001. It's still a stunning game in it's own right though and I'm very much enjoying playing it the second time around.
If you look at the level of technology involved then Elite must be the greatest game of all time.

And because I have had a drink I have added this to the wrong thread.
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Elite is a huge game by modern standards. It's ridiculously huge by the standards of the BBC Micro.
Rise of the Robots was absolutely dreadful. Fantastic graphics at the time but dreadful game.

and every wrestling game pre 2000's

WWF Wrestlemania on Amiga, Super Wrestlemania on Megadrive etc.

How about the original Mortal Kombat censored by Nintendo on the SNES - no blood, gore or fatalaties. Wasn't that the whole point?

But fully agree with any Sensible Soccer game since SWOS.
I brought a copy of Holligan - Storm over Europe once. Its was only £3 but my firm just couldnt seem to beat anyone. It was a joke.