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Life President
Jun 16, 2008
Southend have had terrible tragic moments occur in the past (Boere and North) and what with the news surrounding Fabrice Muamba I can't help but think it'd be nice to show our support. What I propose is that on the 6th minute of the game (Fabrice's number at Bolton) a simple chant of "There's only one Fabrice Muamba, one Fabrice Muamba" etc and repeat.

I think this would be a way of showing our support for Muamba and showing that we are all united in hoping he recovers. Of course, you don't have to take part if you wish but I hope people consider this as a gesture of good will.
Southend have had terrible tragic moments occur in the past (Boere and North) and what with the news surrounding Fabrice Muamba I can't help but think it'd be nice to show our support. What I propose is that on the 6th minute of the game (Fabrice's number at Bolton) a simple chant of "There's only one Fabrice Muamba, one Fabrice Muamba" etc and repeat.

I think this would be a way of showing our support for Muamba and showing that we are all united in hoping he recovers. Of course, you don't have to take part if you wish but I hope people consider this as a gesture of good will.

Good call. :clap:
Whilst it was terrible what happened to Muamba and I'm delighted to see him making positive progress he has no connection to Southend United at all.

I think it will be very fitting, I know we have been known for good atmosphere in the past, I see no reason why we can't be known as a club to show support for things bigger than our own plight! I bet other teams will do something similar or show support in their own way. I would hate to be known as the set of fans that don't!!
Too tricky to arrange at a certain point of the game, why not do it just before k/o, then we can concentrate on supporting Southend for the full 90
Its not relevant to Southend so i would rather we concentrated on chanting for our own players.

Surely if there is going to be a chant for him, it would just be "Fabrice Muamba" like the Darryl Flahavan chant. This is the Bolton fans chant for him

There's only one Fabrice Muamba is a bit of a mouthful
Whilst it was terrible what happened to Muamba and I'm delighted to see him making positive progress he has no connection to Southend United at all.


Agreed - sad and all that, but I don't really see the relevance of Southend v Aldershot. There will be plenty of more appropriate opportunities for people to make gestures of goodwill etc if they feel that way inclined.
Why would it be fitting?

I doubt this guy has even heard of Southend.

And I doubt that he will have heard of Southend by this time tomorrow even if people do sing his name.

Wouldn't it be a bit more fitting to sing the name of patients in Southend General who are listening on hospital radio? There will be thousands of anonymous people around the UK struggling on a life support machine who aren't celebrities. Why not support them? Some of them will even have a Southend connection. I just don't get this country's cult of celebrity.
When things happen to celebs it brings more attention to the issues of others. I don't think I have said anything wrong, I do agree it would be nice to do something for everybody else too and if I could I would!
Simply not appropriate in my book,. The cynic in me (which to be honest isn't usually at the forefront) wonders if this would be getting the amount of exposure it is had it been a player in a lower league and untelevised game.
I take your point, he probably wouldn't have had much exposure at all, if it wasn't during a live game, however during a lull in our game I think it would be nice to show we're wishing him well, as a part of the football community. The Daryl chant sounds fine...
Simply not appropriate in my book,. The cynic in me (which to be honest isn't usually at the forefront) wonders if this would be getting the amount of exposure it is had it been a player in a lower league and untelevised game.

I also doubt it would have received nearly as much attention if Sky, BBC etc didn't have 24 hour rolling news shows that they need to pad out.
Why would it be fitting?

I doubt this guy has even heard of Southend.

And I doubt that he will have heard of Southend by this time tomorrow even if people do sing his name.

If he hadn't heard of Southend then he must have been confused about where he was when he played at Roots Hall in 06/07.
I don't think it is appropriate. I think the whole media understand that every football fan and beyond see this as a tragic event and one that has brought the population closer together.

Any song/chant towards Fabrice may only act as a distraction to the players on the pitch who are no doubt worried about their own health as I am sure most of us are given the tragic circumstances on Sunday afternoon.

I actually think it is a really nice gesture but for me, the support has been shown and whilst I support further showings of support I think it is better placed via Fabrice's twitter or his other half's twitter. Alternatively a card or flowers sent to Bolton FC may be more suitable.

Given that Fabrice has no connection to Southend and Bolton are not in our league nor have we played against them recently I just feel it not quite approriate. If I felt this could in someway help the situation or was to be fed back to Fabrice or his family and would really lift their spirits then I would say yes, go for it. That said it could be like the situation when Cool Runnings carry their bobsled down the final straight of the track and eventually everyone starts clapping because I think if chants were to be sung about Fabrice and most joined in then I would join in (on the basis that perhaps my view/take on the situation needing a chant has proven incorrect given everyone is singing...and I very much support Fabrice getting well soon).

Great gesture though and I hope we all continue to keep Fabrice in our thoughts and wish him well.