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Newspaper Quotes


Topgun Pilot
Feb 18, 2004
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]But they were good value for their first-half lead. Southend started with a rush and Campbell-Ryce was inspired. He was so pacey and threatening on the right flank that after a while he appeared to feel sorry for the left-back Gabriel Heinze and decided to torment the right-back John O'Shea instead.

Can't remember what paper it was from, i've just read them all.
The picture on the backof theTimes is class.

It shows Eastwood casually thumping the ball into the net whilst Messrs Rooney,Smith & O'shea(?) are all mincing about with their poor impression of a defensive wall -
the only thing missing is their pink handbags.

The caption provides a great get out for the goalie:
"Eastwoods splendidly executed free kick eludes Kuszczak , 'possibly unsighted in the goal' as Southend grab the winner"
Southend United 1 Manchester United 0

Freddy Eastwood got Alex Ferguson’s third decade as Manchester United boss off to the worst possible start. The Reds fan fired Southend’s stunning 27th-minute winner as the Shrimpers left the red-faced Premiership leaders looking a bunch of prawns. Striker Eastwood, the man with a Hollywood surname, wrote a script that no one would have dared predict before the Carling Cup fourth-round clash. United — Southend United that is — out-fought, outplayed and eventually turfed out their illustrious guests. Fergie spent much of Monday hob-nobbing with the great and the good as they paid tribute to his 20 years in charge at Old Trafford. That day belonged to probably the greatest manager in the history of English football. But Tuesday night was all about the greatest result in the history of Southend.

Ian McGarry, The Sun
Some stuck up bitter ManU mare rang up James Whale on Talksport last night at the final whistle.

Her thread was :"I just wanted to say before all the Southend fans ring up gloating that WE don't want to win the Carling cup. WE are all about the Champions League & Premiership & this means nothing to us".

I rang Talksport & tried in vain to get through & riposte: "If it meant nothing then why did Fergusion play his virtual 1st team?" but by then Whale was wittering on about the rights of one-legged Lesbian dwarves to adopt black orphans...
my fave bit in the sun..


Inside five minutes Jamal Campbell-Ryce made a right pudding out of Heinze'

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Her thread was :"I just wanted to say before all the Southend fans ring up gloating that WE don't want to win the Carling cup. WE are all about the Champions League & Premiership & this means nothing to us".

I rang Talksport & tried in vain to get through & riposte: "If it meant nothing then why did Fergusion play his virtual 1st team?" but by then Whale was wittering on about the rights of one-legged Lesbian dwarves to adopt black orphans...

Let see .... We had Barrett, Harrod & Gutteridge out and Hunt got injuryed (Francis had a good game with JCR on the right side) so ManU fans cannot say they has weaken side on the pitch, southend in the same boat, so no exesue!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (SUBBlue @ Nov. 08 2006,10:57)]The picture on the backof theTimes is class.
I wonder when the last time Orient and Southend were both on the back page of the Times was?
I loved the quote on the ITV Carling cup highlight show.
"Sodje crept in unoticed, if that is possible for a six foot four man wearing a bandanna".
I've read every paper today. For those on a student budget, the ones to buy are The Guardian and The Times (written by Neil Harman, who is a Southend fan so knows what's he's writing about).

There was also an excellent page feature in The Independent on Tuesday that's worth looking online for
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Flashing Blade @ Nov. 08 2006,14:23)]I've read every paper today. For those on a student budget, the ones to buy are The Guardian and The Times (written by Neil Harman, who is a Southend fan so knows what's he's writing about).

There was also an excellent page feature in The Independent on Tuesday that's worth looking online for
For those on a student budget I recommend lookng at the on-line versions!

Grauniad was by far and away the most complimentary and contained the least number of patronising cliches.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Nov. 08 2006,14:49)]I got every paper, bar the Times!!

School boy error!!

I got every paper too this morning, including the Daily Sport
[b said:
Quote[/b] (class @ Nov. 08 2006,15:12)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ Nov. 08 2006,14:49)]I got every paper, bar the Times!!

School boy error!!

I got every paper too this morning, including the Daily Sport  
You mean you bought all the other papers to try and hide the fact that you buy the Daily Sport.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (CI-City Blue @ Nov. 08 2006,14:42)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Flashing Blade @ Nov. 08 2006,14:23)]The Times (written by Neil Harman, who is a Southend fan so knows what's he's writing about).
Just read this - well worth the read...
He was in my class at WHSB - has written some excellent stuff over the years including a very good piece on his (not always smooth) relationship with SAF. Is usually the Tennis Correspondent.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dave @ Nov. 08 2006,11:59)]my fave bit in the sun..


Inside five minutes Jamal Campbell-Ryce made a right pudding out of Heinze'

Thought that was brilliant.

Unfortunately I got home from work to find my parents and completely forgotten and only got the one paper. Hmm. Can't live with 'em can't live without 'em.
Almost tempted to frame my copy of The Times. Is that taking it too far? Can get one of those clip frames for a few squid. The third/fourth page in from the back with the main match report is probably a bit better actually.

Got the Manchester Evening News up here and they're mainly going on about Eastwood, his early links with ManU and how Brown and Silvestre couldn't handle him. Also focussing on Flavs heroics and his duel with Ronaldo.

I honestly thought we were on for a hiding, but texted my mate before the game and said we needed a moment of Freddy magic, some Flavs heroics and a large tranche of bonne chance. Didn't think we'd get it though!  
 Should have put my money were my mouth was like my mate who got Freddy first scorer at 8-1. He only put a quid on it though.
For best headline,for me it has to be the one inside the Sun: from the double-page spread-


kept me smiling!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Andy_S @ Nov. 08 2006,20:31)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dave @ Nov. 08 2006,11:59)]my fave bit in the sun..


Inside five minutes Jamal Campbell-Ryce made a right pudding out of Heinze'

Thought that was brilliant.

Unfortunately I got home from work to find my parents and completely forgotten and only got the one paper. Hmm. Can't live with 'em can't live without 'em.  
Biologically speaking, shouldn't that be ``couldn't have lived without them'?