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Off the Booze and Struggling

duncan bulgaria

Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Woman
Jan 19, 2007
After indulging on one to many nights out before and over chrimbo , i have decided to lay off the booze in Jan as many folk do .

I thought this would be a doodle for a month , but f*ck me i'm dying for a beer or ten , i have also been eating healthy and have done 2.5 kilos since jan 1st , but the same as the beer i could kill for a chinese or a chocolate bar .

Is anyone else going cold turkey for Jan and if so hows it going ???
Mostly , dropped fizzy drinks and choclate and sweet things from my diet.
Not much of drinker really so booze never a problem , but you might want to try drinking White or Green Tea . Helps flush your system
After indulging on one to many nights out before and over chrimbo , i have decided to lay off the booze in Jan as many folk do .

I thought this would be a doodle for a month , but f*ck me i'm dying for a beer or ten , i have also been eating healthy and have done 2.5 kilos since jan 1st , but the same as the beer i could kill for a chinese or a chocolate bar .

Is anyone else going cold turkey for Jan and if so hows it going ???

Ferk that.....i am drinking more and eating more and sticking 2 fingers up at that cockney Twa*t with a lisp
I quite often have a month off the wicked stuff :o ,It creates a certain balance in my chi, and I feel blessed in the knowledge that my colon and liver recover enough for a bashing the foll0wing month.
I quite often have a month off the wicked stuff :o ,It creates a certain balance in my chi, and I feel blessed in the knowledge that my colon and liver recover enough for a bashing the foll0wing month.

I take my Liver out at night and pickle it!!!!!
I've gone the opposite way... i am trying to help the economy and eat and drink more of these things...
Yep I'm in exactly the same predicament Mr Bulgaria. have been off the booze since the 5th and its getting a touch tough now, very nearly fell off the wagon tonight and this weekend will be the ultimate test.

I'm going to a Burns night event on the 26th so my plan is to stay on the wagon until then, if I achieve it I'll be chuffed to bits as i really can't honesty remember the last time I didnt drink for 3 weeks.

Also doing some exercise, 30 minute walk to the station in the morning and another 30 mins back in the evening so hoping that I might just lose some weight in 2008.
Alcohol is the Devil's Urine , it wrecks too many people's lives.

Stay off it forever
And dont encourage people to drink it by selling it to them
Have had 1 bender since Boxing day and feeling genuinely healthier than before... thinking i may cut my drinking entirely.
I'm off the booze in January, maybe longer. Doing quite well so far, not really fancied any apart from the odd fleeting desire. The Mrs almost cracked & opened a bottle of wine in time for ER last night though!

Back training too so hopefully the increased activity & decrease in booze will see benefits in terms of weight-loss!
Mrs FS and I have been on diets since October (lost 15 lbs each so far). I have had little trouble with not drinking as I haven't been drinking much for several years now, but the Chocolate and Cakes is a different matter.
Trying to knock the fags on the head though, jeez, when I quit 25 years ago it was easy but this time round (I started again 8 years ago) it is really hard.
Seeing as I had a sober f**king christmas can I have any spare alcohol sent to;

My House
Milton Keynes,
Near a concrete Cow,

or email donations to: PETE_WINKLEMAN_IS_A_****.COM
Everything in moderation. I have a drink every day (only a couple of pints mon-fri) smoke, run 4 times a week and lift weights 2-3 times a week. Will be 51 this year and weight stays stable.
Moderation is key , its not bad to indulge a little bit every now and then , but as i have been caning it before chrimbo it was time just to see if i could stay off the booze and the odd snack i have at work.

I didn't have a lot of weight to shift but must admit that i am feeling 50 times better for it and as i have been exercising i'm finding that i'm sleeping like a baby too , which considering i have a fairly stressfull job is a bonus.

Me and the missus got given a smoothie maker as a present and it is quality , we have used it loads and we are getting all our Fruit and veg intake in the shakes we are making and it is helping the sugar craving i've been getting !!!

Had to pinch myself this morning on the train as was actually talking about maybe enetering the Brentwood half Marathon !!!!