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Old Blue Lady asked me to post this....

Mine does absolutely sweet F A.............!

Trade him in......

We have a good balance, I do all the cooking, Mrs AS does all the washing up and drying, we do our own cloths washing and i iron all the clothes. The rest of the house work is shared out.

Only way that you can do it really when both work
Lol, I am metrosexual man! Handy with my hands in more ways than one ladies ;)
Can a leopard change his spots though? His mum used to do everything when he was a kid (subservient Malay army wife) and he's never taken any notice of my hints/requests or otherwise. I even mow the grass and put the rubbish out! But then, you see, I only work part time so in his eyes he does his share. After 25 years together, don't know if he's going to change now.
Can a leopard change his spots though? His mum used to do everything when he was a kid (subservient Malay army wife) and he's never taken any notice of my hints/requests or otherwise. I even mow the grass and put the rubbish out! But then, you see, I only work part time so in his eyes he does his share. After 25 years together, don't know if he's going to change now.

I would not of thought so.......

Took your advivce re the Hot Tod....but still feel rough as old boots
Volunteer for Wife Swap Kay! :)

Not a hope in hell! I am not one of those desperate glory seeking women, while not altogether happy with my lot I'd never venture to expose our private life to such scrutiny, and someone tell me where on earth those smilies have gone because I can't find them!
Not a hope in hell! I am not one of those desperate glory seeking women, while not altogether happy with my lot I'd never venture to expose our private life to such scrutiny, and someone tell me where on earth those smilies have gone because I can't find them!

Just above the reply box....smily face....next to the paperclip?