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Optical Illusions


Spelling Guru
Jan 23, 2008
Benfleet, Essex
I love these things...


Post any you find on here.

The best way to view this one is from about 5 feet away then move it or the vice versa!
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A Few Classics....




This is amazing.....A. and B. are the same shade of grey!!!! and i can prove it

Optical illusion: the spinning girl

Here’s an optical illusion that’s making its way around the net and has now become my very favorite illusion. Look at the animated gif below. What direction is the girl spinning in, clockwise or counterclockwise? Can you make her change directions with your mind? Can you see her spinning either clockwise or counterclockwise at will? What is going on?

I don’t know who to credit since there are lots of copies of this image around. Google search claim that this is a right brain vs. left brain test but not everyone agrees about what is going on here. You can read more about lateralization of the brain (the functions of the two sides of the brain) in this Wikipedia article.

If you like optical illusions, check out Might Optical Illusions, a pretty comprehensive collection of such things in a blog format. This site even has an Optical Illusion of The Day Widget so say can effortlessly get your daily fix.

Here’s an optical illusion that’s making its way around the net and has now become my very favorite illusion. Look at the animated gif below. What direction is the girl spinning in, clockwise or counterclockwise? Can you make her change directions with your mind? Can you see her spinning either clockwise or counterclockwise at will? What is going on?

I don’t know who to credit since there are lots of copies of this image around. Google search claim that this is a right brain vs. left brain test but not everyone agrees about what is going on here. You can read more about lateralization of the brain (the functions of the two sides of the brain) in this Wikipedia article.

If you like optical illusions, check out Might Optical Illusions, a pretty comprehensive collection of such things in a blog format. This site even has an Optical Illusion of The Day Widget so say can effortlessly get your daily fix.


This is cool .. for me she usually goes clockwise, but if i blink hard and stare she goes the other way (oo-er missus !!)
Here's another one, apparently if you have a pure and unblemished mind you will only see the dolphins.....
