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Peter Taylor


Life President
Oct 27, 2003
Being lined up for Spurs boss.

Keeping all my fingers crossed that comes off! I hate Spurs and they deserve Taylor.
Smithy - I think youre wrong, heres why....
1. Taylor is ambitious - he's hardly gonna turn town a Premier league club to stay with Hull (Remember he was lured away from Gillingham by Leicester)
2. He still feels he wants to prove himself at the Top level after his ill-fated term at Leicester
3. he has Spurs connnections + doesn't he still live locally? so the move would suit him personally
4. He still has England ambitions I guess

Having said that, I dont think he is "big name" enough to pacify the Spurs fans buthe could go there as a number 2/coach to someone.....
if rumours are to be believed...which they probably shouldn't be...spurs are lining up Ranieri to take over once his sacking from chelsea is confirmed and Jose Mourinho takes over. can't see why spurs want him, the guy only got chelsea to second in the league and champions league semi-final...pretty pathetic really.

maybe taylor will be number 2 alongside Sir Claudio - it does strike me as an amusing combination
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Notts Shrimper @ May 06 2004,19:29)]if rumours are to be believed...which they probably shouldn't be...spurs are lining up Ranieri to take over once his sacking from chelsea is confirmed and Jose Mourinho takes over. can't see why spurs want him, the guy only got chelsea to second in the league and champions league semi-final...pretty pathetic really.  

maybe taylor will be number 2 alongside Sir Claudio - it does strike me as an amusing combination
Claudio: So err... Peter, who do you think should be ze new midfield er... dynamo?!

PT: Well there's a guy called Junior Lewis I know quite well...
