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Breaking News Ron the Rat pleads his case in the Daily Mail

This deserves a thread of its own. A narcissist to the bitter end.

Nothing we’ve not heard from him before.

The only crumb of comfort I took was he says that if all goes to plan the takeover will go through this week.



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Nothing there I didn't already expect in his attitude sadly. There is nothing about your ownership now that I will remember with any degree of fondness, you nearly killed my club, and worse, didn't care that you were doing it. Roll on the take over deal and just **** right off please Ronald.
Urgh, what a horrible sickening read that is. As usual, so much blowing smoke up his own arse going on, you almost forget what the truth is. All played to the distant sound of the worlds smallest violin. And that picture on the sofa. Jesus H ****ing Christ.

However, the reporter could see through it all I think.

Just go, nobody cares or wants you here.
The right to reply will come.... let him have his moment in the spotlight. Even though we all know what a prize A*** is really is.

when the ink is dry on the deal, Ronnie the Rat escorted off the premises and the consortium have the keys I am pretty sure that there will be more evidence of neglect and mismanagement to come out.

Looks to me like an attempt to paint a picture of benevolence for an adoring audience - except we are not fooled, but a lot of people will be. At the end of the day, reasonable business owners bend over backwards to make sure staff are paid as the no 1 priority. Had he done that, some of the mismanagement could be forgiven or explained by the 'run out of money' thing. Except he has shown himself to be anything but reasonable!
An excellent article that shows what the reporter thinks of the rat without actually saying it directly. Makes him look even worse imho, just wish he’d also mentioned the non paying of players under Tilson which had zero to do with Covid and zero to do with property price crash - explain that one away you obnoxious ****.