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Scrap the Monarchy - Solve the financial crisis ?

I'd like a comparison of the cost/benefits of the Royal Family and that of the population of work shy layabouts who retire at 17 with bad backs and spend their life taking and reproducing. Of all the problems in Britain, I personally don't consider the Royal Family to be one of them.

I don't see what the difference is?
I don't see what the difference is?

So you've done a stint in Helmand Province have you Pubey? Or are you a Search and Rescue pilot for the RAF, or did you see active service in 1982? Or are you a World Champion sports woman?

If you can answer yes to any of those, then I apologise.
I don't see what the difference is?
That's a very blinkered statement. I haven't got time now to produce stuff to back it up, but I've read on more than one occasion that the Royal Family and the Royal Estates generate revenue far in excess of what is paid out to them from the country's coffers. You only have to read an itinerary for a Royal visit to see what is packed in - 5 or 6 visits if not more are not uncommon for the likes of the Princess Royal for instance. Most are also quite involved with charity work on many levels and there is a lot of unseen stuff that goes on as a result of them being patron of this, that or the other.

With the society we live in, their every action is reported on, their every movement scrutinised, their attire criticised and their spoken word analysed, not something many of us would like, and that's not to mention the constant threat of terrorism and therefore the accompanying fear that arises from that. Work shy layabouts take all the time, they give nothing back. That is NOT an accusation that can be levelled at the Royal Family.
That's a very blinkered statement. I haven't got time now to produce stuff to back it up, but I've read on more than one occasion that the Royal Family and the Royal Estates generate revenue far in excess of what is paid out to them from the country's coffers. You only have to read an itinerary for a Royal visit to see what is packed in - 5 or 6 visits if not more are not uncommon for the likes of the Princess Royal for instance. Most are also quite involved with charity work on many levels and there is a lot of unseen stuff that goes on as a result of them being patron of this, that or the other.

With the society we live in, their every action is reported on, their every movement scrutinised, their attire criticised and their spoken word analysed, not something many of us would like, and that's not to mention the constant threat of terrorism and therefore the accompanying fear that arises from that. Work shy layabouts take all the time, they give nothing back. That is NOT an accusation that can be levelled at the Royal Family.

It pains me to say this. But. I agree.
Ok back on the original point. Any idea whether their net assets are more than just a pimple in the defecit. Let's assume vast swathes of land they "own" aren't saleable. Also if the monarchy was dissolved I'm sure there would be a steady source of revenue for years to come on opening Buck House and the like to permanent visitors not to mention the price some people would pay to stay overnight. Looking at the comment that some countries would change to a republic after a suitable period of respect for when the Queen goes where does that leave the Commonwealth. Though from what I can make out beyond the games this also has little more than ceremonial value and a reminder of a previously empirical world.

Also I guess I haven't answered the head of state issue. Assuming no Monarchy there's no way on earth it should be the incumbent PM. An elected non political representative with a title other than president ? Would the armed forces feel anything less than swearing to protect GB ? Chadded ? Would this also in turn also lead to the break up of the union. Would the Scots then realise they couldn't survive without us ? Would ORM just hurry up and **** off on holiday (Sunday !)
I'm all for keeping the royal family.

Prince Phillip provides great comedy comments year on year, cost you a dam lot more if you were to go and see a top comedian at the Apollo.
Ok back on the original point. Any idea whether their net assets are more than just a pimple in the defecit. Let's assume vast swathes of land they "own" aren't saleable. Also if the monarchy was dissolved I'm sure there would be a steady source of revenue for years to come on opening Buck House and the like to permanent visitors not to mention the price some people would pay to stay overnight. Looking at the comment that some countries would change to a republic after a suitable period of respect for when the Queen goes where does that leave the Commonwealth. Though from what I can make out beyond the games this also has little more than ceremonial value and a reminder of a previously empirical world.

Also I guess I haven't answered the head of state issue. Assuming no Monarchy there's no way on earth it should be the incumbent PM. An elected non political representative with a title other than president ? Would the armed forces feel anything less than swearing to protect GB ? Chadded ? Would this also in turn also lead to the break up of the union. Would the Scots then realise they couldn't survive without us ? Would ORM just hurry up and **** off on holiday (Sunday !)

That's another thing. Although I feel it would be a mistake, it would still be relatively simple for a large parliamentary majority, backed by public support, to remove Her Majesty as head of state. Would Royal assets, though, be classed as the property of the state, or the ancestral possessions of the family? If the latter then just seizing them wouldn't be an option. If the former, could they not claim squatters rights?
No suprise that I'm on the side of scrapping the monarchy. The financial benefits either way can't be proven. Mine's more a point of principle, I begrudge the fact that my head of state is unelected. However I've a feeling that once the Queen dies I'll be living in a Republic soon after...I certainly hope so!
No suprise that I'm on the side of scrapping the monarchy. The financial benefits either way can't be proven. Mine's more a point of principle, I begrudge the fact that my head of state is unelected. However I've a feeling that once the Queen dies I'll be living in a Republic soon after...I certainly hope so!

The track record for a prior republic isnt great , a mad ugly bugger who invaded Ireland , banned mince pies and came from Norfolk . Maybe heads of states have to be inbreed ?
Care to inform me what exactly 'her allowance' means and how it is spent??

As with everything it is easy to make misguided opinions when you do not know the full facts.

My opinion is that public spending on the Royals should be considered alongside all other potential cuts. I'm not saying that they should be abolished or anything. My comment about not knowing the difference between lay-about chavs and the Royals was a tongue in cheek joke and I thought Chadded and OBL would have spotted that. They have done a lot in terms of the armed forces, and being a World Champion Horse look-a-like rider is impressive, but then other members of the Royal family are happy to spend every day at the golf course and other than swanning about at public engagements contribute very little. Opening schools isn't a significant contribution to the economy or the country, building schools and working in schools is.

The allowance I referred to is the Civil List. This is £7.9m a year that the govt give the Royal family. The Royals also have reserve funds which I think the Queen has been dipping into in recent years. As I mentioned, the BBC site suggests that the Queen might be looking to get that amount increased... personally I think that in this day and age it probably wouldn't be prudent to be looking for an increase. In 2009 the head of the Civil List stated that he was reducing expenditure in line with the economic downturn, and saw a 2.5% decrease! Try shifting that decimal place and you've got the reduction in expenditure that many departments are being asked to achieve.
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Easy tiger, take a look at my user title.

Doesnt the civil list also pay for all the workers, so i am guessing the Department of the Monarchy like other government departments would like to ask for more but it is down to the Treasury to decide what each department is given or has to reduce by?

Also I saw a report that the Party was cancelled due to the Queen thinking it was not right for such an event to be held at such times and that in fact she funds the party personally and is not part of any government finance.
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Easy tiger, take a look at my user title.

Doesnt the civil list also pay for all the workers, so i am guessing the Department of the Monarchy like other government departments would like to ask for more but it is down to the Treasury to decide what each department is given or has to reduce by?

Also I saw a report that the Party was cancelled due to the Queen thinking it was not right for such an event to be held at such times and that in fact she funds the party personally and is not part of any government finance.

Yep you're right, and I think George Osborne said there wouldn't be any change in the Civil List at the last budget, but who knows for the next one.