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Shifts amendments


Where I currently work, there are no set shifts, this hasn't always been like this. When I first started I knew what shifts I was doing week in week out.
Ever since they got rid of the old assistant manager. The new assistant hasn't given anyone any set shifts. I always thought there was a law saying you have to give certain notice of your shifts?

Would mind as much the changing of the shifts. Its just I can never plan my weeks ahead. My days off are suppose to be Tues and Sat, but this week Ive had Thurs and Sat. Couple of weeks ago Wed and Sat. Now next week Im off work and have no desire to go in on the friday and check my shifts.
We had a team meeting as they call it a few weeks ago, and it was agreed with the HR training officer and then Area Manager, also Manager and Assistant manager agreed to put 2 weeks worth of rotas up. Yet only next weeks rota as gone up yesterday.

Sorry about moaning on the board, just need some advice whether I can threaten them with somethought of legal advice
Where I currently work, there are no set shifts, this hasn't always been like this. When I first started I knew what shifts I was doing week in week out.
Ever since they got rid of the old assistant manager. The new assistant hasn't given anyone any set shifts. I always thought there was a law saying you have to give certain notice of your shifts?

Would mind as much the changing of the shifts. Its just I can never plan my weeks ahead. My days off are suppose to be Tues and Sat, but this week Ive had Thurs and Sat. Couple of weeks ago Wed and Sat. Now next week Im off work and have no desire to go in on the friday and check my shifts.
We had a team meeting as they call it a few weeks ago, and it was agreed with the HR training officer and then Area Manager, also Manager and Assistant manager agreed to put 2 weeks worth of rotas up. Yet only next weeks rota as gone up yesterday.

Sorry about moaning on the board, just need some advice whether I can threaten them with somethought of legal advice

Not an expert on English employment law, but your starting point should be your contract. What does it say about your working hours?

If you haven't got a written contract you should ask for a written statement of the main terms and conditions of employment.

If there was an established routine for shifts, your employer may not be able to change it without your consent. If you are a member of a union consult them. If not you can always try CAB. That's the best legal advice you are going to get at this time of night!

I assume, that this isn't night-shifts? I think there are EU regulations protecting employees when it comes to working nights, but I don't know the first thing about them.

Outside of your legal rights, take it up with HR, area managers etc anyway. Tell them that it was agreed to be done and it hasn't. Not sure what your relationship with your manager is like, you may want to discuss it with them 1 on 1 and give them another chance to sort it out before grassing him/her up to their bosses that they haven't done their job. If they still don't do anything take it higher, try and keep a written record (e-mails cc into all relevant parties) and make attendance notes of any conversations/phone-calls you have with your bosses regarding it. Generally it helps not to be an **** about it, at least at first, just let them know that its really important to you to know what shifts you are supposed to be working and that it would help you considerably if they would do what was agreed the other week.
Where I currently work, there are no set shifts, this hasn't always been like this. When I first started I knew what shifts I was doing week in week out.
Ever since they got rid of the old assistant manager. The new assistant hasn't given anyone any set shifts. I always thought there was a law saying you have to give certain notice of your shifts?

Would mind as much the changing of the shifts. Its just I can never plan my weeks ahead. My days off are suppose to be Tues and Sat, but this week Ive had Thurs and Sat. Couple of weeks ago Wed and Sat. Now next week Im off work and have no desire to go in on the friday and check my shifts.
We had a team meeting as they call it a few weeks ago, and it was agreed with the HR training officer and then Area Manager, also Manager and Assistant manager agreed to put 2 weeks worth of rotas up. Yet only next weeks rota as gone up yesterday.

Sorry about moaning on the board, just need some advice whether I can threaten them with somethought of legal advice


Leave it with me...my misses is an HR manager specialising in Employment law, I will ask her for some advice for you tomorrow.
Get yourself applying for the job you want.....you have mentioned it often enough. Then you wont have to worry about what shift patterns they are operating. The longer you stay there, the older you will be and the more experience will be expected in the job you want to go for.

Maybe you should be doing a thread like Hils did.....:confused: :rolleyes:
Not an expert on English employment law, but your starting point should be your contract. What does it say about your working hours?

If you haven't got a written contract you should ask for a written statement of the main terms and conditions of employment.

If there was an established routine for shifts, your employer may not be able to change it without your consent. If you are a member of a union consult them. If not you can always try CAB. That's the best legal advice you are going to get at this time of night!

I assume, that this isn't night-shifts? I think there are EU regulations protecting employees when it comes to working nights, but I don't know the first thing about them.

Outside of your legal rights, take it up with HR, area managers etc anyway. Tell them that it was agreed to be done and it hasn't. Not sure what your relationship with your manager is like, you may want to discuss it with them 1 on 1 and give them another chance to sort it out before grassing him/her up to their bosses that they haven't done their job. If they still don't do anything take it higher, try and keep a written record (e-mails cc into all relevant parties) and make attendance notes of any conversations/phone-calls you have with your bosses regarding it. Generally it helps not to be an **** about it, at least at first, just let them know that its really important to you to know what shifts you are supposed to be working and that it would help you considerably if they would do what was agreed the other week.

I have requested my contract numerous times yet I haven't seen it :confused:
If you work set shifts and your company wants to change them then they are at liberty to give you 28 days notice. You are also legally entitled to a copy of your Contract of Employment which I agree, is near on impossible to get an copy of. I have been waiting for mine for 6+ years. The one good thing is that if your employer asks you to sign an amendment to your contract, you don't have to sign nothing because you have not seen the original. Causes all sorts of problems to them and makes you fell all smug and warm inside.
HUTTON is really asking....how do I get a job in IT when I have no experience (and the jobs I have been to or looked for seem to require it) but its a job I really want to do.
HUTTON is really asking....how do I get a job in IT when I have no experience (and the jobs I have been to or looked for seem to require it) but its a job I really want to do.

I like the job Im doing at the moment, just don't like the way it is run. The management do feck all to help out the staff.

Yes I would like a job in IT, but Im going back to college soon, to redo my English and Maths, hopefully this will help me make a step up to the job I want to do
Where I currently work, there are no set shifts, this hasn't always been like this. When I first started I knew what shifts I was doing week in week out.
Ever since they got rid of the old assistant manager. The new assistant hasn't given anyone any set shifts. I always thought there was a law saying you have to give certain notice of your shifts?

Would mind as much the changing of the shifts. Its just I can never plan my weeks ahead. My days off are suppose to be Tues and Sat, but this week Ive had Thurs and Sat. Couple of weeks ago Wed and Sat. Now next week Im off work and have no desire to go in on the friday and check my shifts.
We had a team meeting as they call it a few weeks ago, and it was agreed with the HR training officer and then Area Manager, also Manager and Assistant manager agreed to put 2 weeks worth of rotas up. Yet only next weeks rota as gone up yesterday.

Sorry about moaning on the board, just need some advice whether I can threaten them with somethought of legal advice

Mrs AS is going to advise you but needs some more info...as follows

is it night shift work he is doing ?
- how many hours a day is he working ?
- if his previous days off were Tuesdasy and Saturdays (has that been listed in his contract of employment - or is it just been verbally agreed)

also when he says shifts does he just mean days ? or does he do different start / finish hours each day
I like the job Im doing at the moment, just don't like the way it is run. The management do feck all to help out the staff.

Yes I would like a job in IT, but Im going back to college soon, to redo my English and Maths, hopefully this will help me make a step up to the job I want to do

Welcome to the real world....:p

You have a strange way of showing that you like your current job. Are there two HUTTONs then? (Other than Mr and Mrs H).

Is redoing maths and english experience....hmmmmmm.....i guess it will help a bit.

Ahem....facebook status updates for a start!!
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Mrs AS is going to advise you but needs some more info...as follows

is it night shift work he is doing ?
- how many hours a day is he working ?
- if his previous days off were Tuesdasy and Saturdays (has that been listed in his contract of employment - or is it just been verbally agreed)

also when he says shifts does he just mean days ? or does he do different start / finish hours each day

PM sent!!!
Welcome to the real world....:p

You have a strange way of showing that you like your current job. Are there two HUTTONs then? (Other than Mr and Mrs H).

Is redoing maths and english experience....hmmmmmm.....i guess it will help a bit.

Ahem....facebook status updates for a start!!

What do you mean are there two Huttons other than me and Amy???
The one who just posted here saying he likes his job and the other one who says he hates it and wants out to get an IT one....:p

Its an easy job I enjoy doing, I enjoy working with most of the people there. So much double standards in their tho which really gets on my nerves.

Somebody a few ago was sacked for stealing, but there's a girl there who all the supervisors have caught stealing but because she flirts with the manager he does nothing about it.

I got a verbal warning for being late twice, yet all the youngsters are late virtually all their shifts and yet nothing is done to them.
Not staying for the return of Mrs H are we?

Mainly yes, I don't really want her working there anymore. The assistant manager wants to get rid of her, but knows they would get sued to buggery. He as already employed over people to take her shifts but the manager is annoyed at this because that has him over his wage budget :hilarious:

The thing is I don't know why they tell me these things, I only go and tell Amy :hilarious:
Mainly yes, I don't really want her working there anymore. The assistant manager wants to get rid of her, but knows they would get sued to buggery. He as already employed over people to take her shifts but the manager is annoyed at this because that has him over his wage budget :hilarious:

The thing is I don't know why they tell me these things, I only go and tell Amy :hilarious:

Somehow I just knew that would be the answer....
And can you decide for Mrs H what she does anyway?

While she talks a different language (:hilarious: ) she seems to be pretty clever so not sure there is a need to worry particularly.

Shouldnt you be making you own career path rather than waiting for Mrs H to go back to work?
And can you decide for Mrs H what she does anyway?

While she talks a different language (:hilarious: ) she seems to be pretty clever so not sure there is a need to worry particularly.

Shouldnt you be making you own career path rather than waiting for Mrs H to go back to work?

No Im just saying I don't want her working there, not upto me. I have next week off so will be on a major job hunt