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Shrimpers Trust AGM & Sol Campbell Q&A - 25th Nov


Junior Blues Coordinator⭐⭐
Dec 27, 2007
I will post a full report as soon as it's available, but in the meantime, for anyone else who was there, any questions, comments or otherwise can be kept in one place here. I will try and respond to anything that I can but I was not in the best position to hear all the questions fully.

Anyway, here's a photo of the man himself who actually turned up early and listed to the whole of the AGM before coming to the top table for questions. Seemed very relaxed, also seems to be quite committed to the job in hand.

He did say, when asked, that he hopes to bring in about 6 players and has identified some that he is keen to get in.

Didn't/wouldn't answer who the best player he's played alongside was, but listed a host of people as the best he's played against including Thierry Henri.

Sol at AGM.jpg
Flahaven spelt wrong as spotted elsewhere, should fix that!
its only been 15 years.
I think it has been left because he actually wore that shirt and is a reminder that organisations sometimes don't know simple things like the names of staff or at least don't check things. Anyway I think I am right about this. I remember when I was working being on a course where 8 out of 15 names were spelt wrongly and some of those were senior members of staff.
With the state the club is currently in, I'm relieved that people can ask the hard hitting questions like who is the best player you played alongside.
With the state the club is currently in, I'm relieved that people can ask the hard hitting questions like who is the best player you played alongside.

Just as long as no-one upset him by asking why the **** we are constantly playing balls across our own goalmouth and giving possession/goals/matches away by trying to play football in dangerous areas.

Perhaps someone asked him if he was told at school not to pass the ball across his own goal. When I was a kid (a long time ago) this was one of the most heinous of footballing crimes and would likely have been punished by being dropped from the side.

Do the other oldies on here remember this dictum?
He was asked about playing short balls in and around our own area. I expect Lesley will cover his response in her report.
Just as long as no-one upset him by asking why the **** we are constantly playing balls across our own goalmouth and giving possession/goals/matches away by trying to play football in dangerous areas.

Perhaps someone asked him if he was told at school not to pass the ball across his own goal. When I was a kid (a long time ago) this was one of the most heinous of footballing crimes and would likely have been punished by being dropped from the side.

Do the other oldies on here remember this dictum?
I do... but for me it was my first (or at least one of my first) senior men's game at 16 years old when I took a throw in just inside our half. I threw it infield to the midfielder who lost it, the other team pressed forward and nearly scored.

The manager informed me in no uncertain terms that if I did that again I would be dropped.

Christ knows what he'd have done if I passed it across the back!
Just as long as no-one upset him by asking why the **** we are constantly playing balls across our own goalmouth and giving possession/goals/matches away by trying to play football in dangerous areas.

Perhaps someone asked him if he was told at school not to pass the ball across his own goal. When I was a kid (a long time ago) this was one of the most heinous of footballing crimes and would likely have been punished by being dropped from the side.

Do the other oldies on here remember this dictum?
It was a golden rule when I was playing. Footballs had a lace then and if it was wet didn’t half hurt if you headed it.
Shame he didn't make a couple of the so called don't want to be here gang go along and take a few questions