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Rob Noxious

Retro Supremo⭐
Oct 23, 2008
It's not often that I'm enthused by developments in contemporary music, but I rather like this fine alt.country combo from out here in the wild west ... I haven't got any 'youtube' vids to share with you as yet, but they are one unusual assortment of country rockers who sing songs of kicking the balls of Al Qaeda's leader, midsummer spitroasts and sexual transgressions of a sensitive nature. Check 'em out! > There Aint No Balls In country No More » Small Town Doggers
Not bad that Rob,love the interview,just think the lead singer needs to knock that chip off his shoulder or slightly dislodge it a tad.:clap:

He may have a chip on his shoulder - put he is right in what he says - `you can stick your second home up your arse`
Not bad that Rob,love the interview,just think the lead singer needs to knock that chip off his shoulder or slightly dislodge it a tad.:clap:

Thanks, Dave. Joe's a good lad and he comes up with songs very quickly. Saw him window-cleaning holiday homes in Porthleven yesterday coincidentally. He's on here and he manages to get the word "bummed" on international radio > http://www.mixcloud.com/rob-spooner/the-rob-noxious-retro-radio-show251112-i-wanna-be-your-dog/ ... astonishing, but true.