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southend ham

alrite all,
i'm currently studying football culture as part of my university degree and as being from southend i thought i would specifically research southend united and its fans. i'm basically looking into how fans interact with their clubs in light of the ever-changing football market and commercialisation of the game. therefore, would any shrimpers fans be kind enough to complete a short questionnaire for me? the questionnaire should take only 5 minutes to complete and i would be hugely grateful.

please go to - http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/34876...onnaire-How-local-is-your-local-football-club ... if you wish to take part.

this is genuine research and not any sort of scam. thanks in advance for your time.
Here's hoping people aren't choosing 'attractiveness of football' as the reason for supporting your chosen team :net:
I know how hard it is to complete a dissatation and get responses back.
Good luck with your dissertation. Survey done.

Hope you all had:

Quality and attractiveness of football played

As the number one answer to question 14?:joke:
alrite all,
i'm currently studying football culture as part of my university degree and as being from southend i thought i would specifically research southend united and its fans. i'm basically looking into how fans interact with their clubs in light of the ever-changing football market and commercialisation of the game. therefore, would any shrimpers fans be kind enough to complete a short questionnaire for me? the questionnaire should take only 5 minutes to complete and i would be hugely grateful.

please go to - http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/34876...onnaire-How-local-is-your-local-football-club ... if you wish to take part.

this is genuine research and not any sort of scam. thanks in advance for your time.

Just completed. Will you post the results just so we can all have a nose.
BTW I put success of the club as the last option when it was being considered. How many others did I wonder. And how this would compare with fans of the "big" teams.
Just completed. Will you post the results just so we can all have a nose.
BTW I put success of the club as the last option when it was being considered. How many others did I wonder. And how this would compare with fans of the "big" teams.
All compleated for you .....put your results on here when compleated sure lots of people would like to have a look at your findings.
Glad to be of assistance and like the others would be interested in seeing the results
cheers for all the responses guys. well chuffed! werent expecting so many and so quickly. nice one.

my aim is to compare the findings for Southend United with other teams throughout the divisions which im also studying, being; Plymouth, Derby, West Ham and Man Utd. so yes hopefully there should be a marked difference in the results from the fans of each team.

i will definetly post the results on here when theyre ready, but unfortunately it might not be for some time yet. so probably around january time, thats when i should have analysed all the results. but i definetly will!

cheers again. this forum is full of legends - the derby and man utd forums ive posted the questionnaire on have given me loads of stick haha.

come on the shrimpers.
cheers for all the responses guys. well chuffed! werent expecting so many and so quickly. nice one.

my aim is to compare the findings for Southend United with other teams throughout the divisions which im also studying, being; Plymouth, Derby, West Ham and Man Utd. so yes hopefully there should be a marked difference in the results from the fans of each team.

i will definetly post the results on here when theyre ready, but unfortunately it might not be for some time yet. so probably around january time, thats when i should have analysed all the results. but i definetly will!

cheers again. this forum is full of legends - the derby and man utd forums ive posted the questionnaire on have given me loads of stick haha.

come on the shrimpers.

Feel free to mention Eastwoods free kick to the manure fans,i'm sure they will remember ha ha.