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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Southend United 0-1 Bradford City

Smith 6 - Did fairly well, seemed to take ages getting over their goal. For me he needs another season before becoming 1st team choice as never mind his skill I am not sure he is ready mentally.

White 5 - Nothing special but he seemed to be holding his previously injured shoulder at the end. Not good enough for division 1 imo and I wonder if he will now return to Col U?
Barrett 7 - Pick of the defence, passionate as always but sadly I think his legs have gone now. Back up only for next season I reckon?
Makarczyk 6 - Started hesitantly and gave the ball away needlessly in the build up for Bradford's goal. Improved as the game went on. Appears no better than Bolger, but this was his 1st (only?) game.
Coker 6 - Was Ok, but I think he has been told to hold back attack wise ready for next seasons return of the clean sheet mentality.
Kamara 7 - Changed my mind about him yesterday (previously I thought he was lazy) showed some very nice touches at times and tackled back well too.
Leonard 7.5 - Best performance since his return from injury, very good defensively and played in his old position that seems to suit him.
Atkinson 5 - Can never fault his work rate but once again his sideways 'crab' football slowed us down and allowed Bradford to reorganise and stifle our forwards.
Mclaughlin 5 - didn't really notice him a lot which says it all really.
Mooney 5 - Must be exhausted from the amount of time he spent getting up from falling over. Not his worst performance but he seriously needs the midfield to create something for him..
Barnett 8 My MOM - Best performance for ages, won nearly everything in the air, was unlucky not to score. just a pity that no one manages to read his flicks. Another who suffers from PB's lack of attacking knowledge

Hunt 6.5 - I though our game play changed when he came on, and he was finding positions that the other forwards can not.
Bridge 6 - Showed some nice touches. looks a real prospect.
Loza 5 - His second stint with us, and I don't think that he has enough about him to be here next season

Once again we seemed to play outdated tactics i.e. punt it to the big bloke up front and chase the ball. I never counted one time where the forwards had the ball played into the channel for them to run on to. Every time Mooney or Barnet got the ball it was either up in the air at chest height or the player had his back to goal.

Thought it strange that Brown refused to name the players almost out of contract whilst playing loan players who do not have a contract at all. Also I thought it mean not to play the fan's favourites in what may be their last game for us. But that says it all about me me me Brown IMO.

Don't think we will ever see Bolger back here now that Brown seems to be staying, and I also wonder whether it's his staying that has influenced Payne and Bentley to leave?? He does seem to have p!$$ed off many players since coming here!
Thought it strange that Brown refused to name the players almost out of contract whilst playing loan players who do not have a contract at all. Also I thought it mean not to play the fan's favourites in what may be their last game for us. But that says it all about me me me Brown IMO.

I think he played loan players who are going to be available on a free to make final judgements as to whether to sign them or not. Worrall was supposed to have played but was ill on the day apparently.

I don't think sentiment comes into play when you have two players who are making it quite clear (or whose agents are) that they're not going to sign new deals here. Had we been challenging for something then things might have been different but I agree wholeheartedly with not selecting Bentley or Payne to start under the circumstances.
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I think he played loan players who are going to be available on a free to make final judgements as to whether to sign them or not. Worrall was supposed to have played but was ill on the day apparently.

I don't think sentiment comes into play when you have two players who are making it quite clear (or who's agents are) that they're not going to sign new deals here. Had we been challenging for something then things might have been different but I agree wholeheartedly with not selecting Bentley or Payne to start under the circumstances.

It is with a heavy heart that I say that I agree.
Can't agree with the scores given by Manor 15 thought Macarczyk had a good debut and would give him a 7 lots of intelligent play from him and he covered well. Atkinson would get a 5 from me why won't he pass forward it was one of his terrible backwards passes that led to the Bradford goal. Stand out player for me was Leonard who deserved an 8 back to his impressive best and if his shot had gone in would have been a 9. All the others 6 apart from Mooney who I'm afraid is a 5

Polish Pete, Polish Pete, he's hard to beat.... Thought he was ok too...don't get pushed about as well.. Might be our new dorian dervite.
I think he played loan players who are going to be available on a free to make final judgements as to whether to sign them or not. Worrall was supposed to have played but was ill on the day apparently.

I don't think sentiment comes into play when you have two players who are making it quite clear (or whose agents are) that they're not going to sign new deals here. Had we been challenging for something then things might have been different but I agree wholeheartedly with not selecting Bentley or Payne to start under the circumstances.

Agree with you completely but is Kamara out of contract? I thought he played reasonably well yesterday but assumed he was here for 'development' and wasn't a realistic prospect for a permanent deal. If I'm wrong then he's an interesting one, obvious potential but has failed to make a real impact. I'm undecided whether he'd be a good signing or not.
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couple of points that I don't think anyone has mentioned.

Smith came for a cross on the edge of his six yard box second half and caught it. This was the sort of cross that Bentley leaves, and has on many times resulted in a goal- very impressed.

Bridge- very impressed by what I saw, but he must be so disappointed with the ref/linesman. One the ball fairly on the half way line and they were given a throw when it didn't go off (at least we didnt stop playing this time), and hen won us a goalkick and the ref gave a foul against him by the corner flag (unless I had rose tinted glasses for both passages of play) .

Mooney as others has said is embarassing. Others have complained at their players falling over and getting freekicks all the time, Mooney is on a different league on this skill and even got two of their team booked.

Coker- 10 yards out , clear view of goal, on right foot - passes it to a marked player- FFS shoot !

Barnet- I hope we sign the Barnet we say Saturday, and the one we say at the begining of the loan, but I dont want the other one back
We lost. We should have drawn, we might have (with small luck) won.
We lost a pointless practice game (for us) but it was useful in that it showed that we have a squad which will be able to retain our Div1 status next year and with some additions look towards a play off place such as Bradford have done.
Our players' fitness and work rate was back to the level of early season.
Ted did fine, I felt he ought to have saved their goal but maybe he was slightly unsighted. He wasn’t bullied and took a few “hits” without reaction.
The back four, after settling, looked ok, better at corners with Pietr’s height (and TY). Pietr did some no nonsense defending and I thought had a reasonable debut – sign him up PB.
The midfield was ok too, Willo frustrates the life out of me, he had a few chances to go forward but hesitates and then passes side or back- squad player/back up if retained.
Kamara looked better, more physical – years loan?
MacL, looked “up” for the work - sign
Ty – worked and worked, looked happy when Hunt came on – sign
Mooney – TAXI!!!!
Hunt –fully fit after pre season work etc – sign
Jack Bridge – looked as if he will cope and can play –sign/up contract.
Mr Brown has a busy time ahead of him but if he makes the right choices? Then who knows.
Bury team selection may tell us more about if Wozza, WW, Tims, Deegs, Kevan, Westy will figure for next season.
Oh, and of those in the Play Offs, I think Bradford were the least impressive so it will be interesting to see how things pan out.

Agreed, they were simply ok, and lacked flair. I was interested to see young Burke play on Saturday, some Bantams told me before the game that he was going to be "England's future captain", not sure I could agree, or form any kind of opinion, as he had a very comfortable afternoon.
I thought Makarczyk was ok (and quite imposing) however he did worry me by backing off from loose balls a couple of times. Good to see Leonard coming back to his best and I am puzzled at some of the low marks for Kamara, I don't think the kid put a foot wrong and pleasantly surprised me with one thunderous block tackle. I also didn't feel that Atkinson was quite as bad as others made out, but just two goals and one assist from a midfielder all season is pretty shocking. Pleased to see the Hunt/Barnett partnership (the one that destroyed Coventry) finally re-united but the realisation that Payne looks set to leave overshadowed everything for me.
Completely agree with the comment on Macarczyk. Thought he had a very sound debut. I came home hoping Phil had finally given him a start becasue he might be available for next season.

Didn't go, but he looked shocking on the highlights.
I know, quite long for a Phil Brown managed side wasn't it?

But he made the mistake for the goal and was beaten a further 3 times that led to Bradford chances.

Did he, or was the hurried pass back to him put well behind him so he was played into trouble by his team mate?
Did he, or was the hurried pass back to him put well behind him so he was played into trouble by his team mate?

I thought that too, the killer bad pass was Malarczyk's (although the person he was passing too could have reacted quicker too), but it was the final one of a bunch of bad passes across the back 4 and defensive midfielders. Tough to judge him on that mistake, he was good in the air throughout and I thought grew into the game.
Did he, or was the hurried pass back to him put well behind him so he was played into trouble by his team mate?

It was a poor pass (Atkinson IIRC?) but he should have hoofed it to the forwards rather than losing it in midfield. Or just put it out.

Thought his distribution was poor, as others have mentioned.

Sign up for BP-ten minutes highlights.:winking:

Thank you, I already have a Blues Player account but I'm not a masochist.
It was a poor pass (Atkinson IIRC?) but he should have hoofed it to the forwards rather than losing it in midfield. Or just put it out.

Thank you, I already have a Blues Player account but I'm not a masochist

I suppose I must be then. :winking:

I caught up with the 10 minute highlights yesterday after watching the game live on Saturday.