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Latest Rumours Summer/Autumn Transfer Targets/Rumours Thread 2022

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I would love to see us sign Michael Cheek. Would also love to see posters on here never talk about resigning old players again especially ones in their mid to late 30s like Anthony grant. I think some people on here are also so intent on signing all players from one band ie 23-28 but you need a mixture of young determined loanees and players, some older heads to guide the youngsters and a core of players with re sale value. That way the club eventually sustains itself more too and allows constant improvements.
Nothing wrong with signing older players as long as they are known talent, and have proven in the past season or two.
Someone like Jimmy Dunne you mean? Great goal he scored against Torquay wasn't it? Only to be released at 34 last Monday.Still I'm sure the new management team will be able to replace him for peanuts in the summer.
Someone like Jimmy Dunne you mean? Great goal he scored against Torquay wasn't it? Only to be released at 34 last Monday.Still I'm sure the new management team will be able to replace him for peanuts in the summer.
I’ve never seen a player give the ball away as much as Dunne. I wish him well as the effort was always there, but it didn’t click for him at roots hall.
Nothing wrong with signing older players as long as they are known talent, and have proven in the past season or two.
There is 100% nothing wrong with signing older players as long as there is a full understanding of the risks involved.
These risks include the potential for a decline in the players skills (perhaps why the Premiership is not over populated with players aged over 30) the increased chance of injury and a longer recovery time should injuries occur. On top of that older players tend to be more expensive as their wages may reflect their past achievements rather than what they will do in the future. The last point is something all Southend supporters might be familiar with.
Yes, there are always outliers, and, it might be that some older players turn out to be excellent acquisitions.
Because of these risks perhaps older players should not be brought in without a great deal of thought. That it is not good policy to bring in too many at once is surely underlined by examining the appearance record last season of PB's 'Dad's Army' .
Steve Arnold is the outlier having made 41 starts while the next best are Murphy and Dunne with 18 starts. Coulson made 8 starts while Ogogo 6.
While this can be pointed out a definitive verdict on the value of these signings cannot be passed with knowing the cost involved. If, for instance, Murphy and Ogogo where among the lowest paid on the staff then this might not be much of an issue. If they are among the highest earners you might take a different view. A club like Southend, seemingly never far away from severe cash flow problems, need to watch their expenditure carefully, and, having one or more of your highest earners spending most of the time in the physio's room is not a good investment.
By all means sign older players, but, not too many. It is also probably wise they not be among your highest paid.
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