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Sep 3, 2008
Worldwide traveller
22 Aug 2012 13:12:48
Southend are set to sign free agent Scott Donnelly on a permanent transfer and West Ham's George Moncur on loan. They will be looking to sign an unnamed striker on loan just until Eastwood and Corr are fit.
Dont think we will be sigining anyone until Mohsni goes.

We have 3 central midfielders, cant see how we can afford another.
22 Aug 2012 13:12:48
Southend are set to sign free agent Scott Donnelly on a permanent transfer and West Ham's George Moncur on loan. They will be looking to sign an unnamed striker on loan just until Eastwood and Corr are fit.

I can't think of any strikers who don't have a name? - how would they sign anyway? what would their signature look like?
I can't think of any strikers who don't have a name? - how would they sign anyway? what would their signature look like?
I guess they'd be allowed to sign with an 'X'.

Bit of a u-turn on Luggy's policy of signing big name forwards though...
Of course part of an ongoing discission with WH may be if you wont match are valuation on Bilel then give us Y on a year long loan- not sure ref the striker piece. Harris/Eastwood & Corr are all not that far off and we have a loanee already.

Donnelly again maybe now we have let Brogan go.
26 Aug 2012 11:57:26
Southend to sign Scott Donnelly and Bayo Akinfenwa by Friday.

Of course I'd just like to add that this means absolutely nothing as I'd put my money on whoever posted this on THAT site having read it on here......

Would love to sign either or both, they'd be big assets (literally in AA's case!). :smile:
29 Aug 2012 12:29:42
Southend United are set to swoop for Hungary midfielder Akos Buzsaky on a one year deal as the 30 year old seeks regular football.

Played for Sturrock before but still a HIGHLY unlikely rumour. Would think he'd get a bottom half Championship club and probably on upwards of £2,500 p/w too.....
I'd say Akos would be unlikely but I do know he is friends with Sturrock as well as having played for him before. Perhaps on loan maybe? Although being realistic even that is unlikely.
Perhaps on loan maybe? Although being realistic even that is unlikely.

Highly unlikely as he's without a club at the moment (so where would we loan him from?)

I'm told Bristol City is his most likely destination and can't see him dropping down to League 2 however friendly he is with Sturrock.
Ah didn't realise he'd been released, don't keep tabs on every player! Maybe he would just be training here for fitness. Although probably just a ******** rumour in the first place.
Most credible rumour site so far. If we someone manage to get Buzsaky, Donnelly and Akinfenwa then PS really means business.
We all know he likes to sign former player I dont think we can rule Buzsaky out just yet
Buszaky was playing (and scoring) in the Premier League last season. He will not be coming here.
I've heard Bristol City also. I never rule out any of the sigings on that website, but just think most of them are made up by putting 2 and 2 together. There have been a lot of "played under Sturrock" rumours on that site but to be fair, think of the amount of players we have had that did play under PS? Don't rule it out just yet, but don't get your hopes up.