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The girl in the mask...

Matt the Shrimp

aka Harry Potter
Oct 27, 2003
Lewisham, London
It turns out that this girl...


...was at Westcliff High School For Girls. Anyone know her?

The girl in the mask

To be fair, there is a picture of Davinia Turell in the linked article (in the framed picture; the girl holding the frame is Davinia's sister):


dcn may have been referring to that...?


Otherwise, perhaps it was in poor taste...

She'd have been in the same year at Westcliff as my sister. I'm planning to ask her when she gets back from holiday.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ July 12 2005,16:21)]To be fair, there is a picture of Davinia Turell in the linked article (in the framed picture; the girl holding the frame is Davinia's sister):


dcn may have been referring to that...?


Otherwise, perhaps it was in poor taste...

Was it $%&*

Poor taste without a doubt from the Nose, Napster can we ban this neanderful for at least 5 weeks as he is definately pushing a few people too far on this board once again.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (lee_sufc @ July 12 2005,16:16)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (southender @ July 12 2005,16:04)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dave cusaks nose @ July 12 2005,12:42)]Cant say I recognise the face
not very funny
My thoughts exactly - didn't even think that post was worth replying to.
Lighten up guys - nothing wrong with a little gallows humour surely?
I'll be honsest, i did laugh out loud when i read it, i shouldnt have and im sorry
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ron Manager @ July 12 2005,20:11)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (lee_sufc @ July 12 2005,16:16)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (southender @ July 12 2005,16:04)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dave cusaks nose @ July 12 2005,12:42)]Cant say I recognise the face
not very funny
My thoughts exactly - didn't even think that post was worth replying to.
Lighten up guys - nothing wrong with a little gallows humour surely?
Indeed and well done RM for pointing out the 'Gallows Humour'.

I was gonna state that earlier but for the fear of flaming, this is England and this is the humour we adopt to counteract such situations.

My brother has already sent me half a dozen text jokes about last Thursday. Lets face it humour IS the best medicine.
yup, it was funny.. just a shame he couldnt include something about princess di in the gag
[b said:
Quote[/b] (A loyal supporter @ July 12 2005,22:46)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ron Manager @ July 12 2005,20:11)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (lee_sufc @ July 12 2005,16:16)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (southender @ July 12 2005,16:04)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dave cusaks nose @ July 12 2005,12:42)]Cant say I recognise the face
not very funny
My thoughts exactly - didn't even think that post was worth replying to.
Lighten up guys - nothing wrong with a little gallows humour surely?
Indeed and well done RM for pointing out the 'Gallows Humour'.

I was gonna state that earlier but for the fear of flaming, this is England and this is the humour we adopt to counteract such situations.

My brother has already sent me half a dozen text jokes about last Thursday. Lets face it humour IS the best medicine.
I'm sorry but i just don't agree. Imagine that is one of your best friends just had thier face burnt off by terrorist bombs.

Would you still find it funny?
Ill put my hand, yes it was alittle bit of Light heartedness in the wake of last week, sorry if it has offended
My sentiments exactly, as the old saying goes 'if you can not laugh you will only cry'

Humour is a great vent of emotions, and to be honest nothing DCN said was really outrageous just a little quip that brought a smile to my face.

Similar during Thursday whilst sitting in the pub we had been evacuated to, a colleague's brother phoned up to check he was ok. My colleague answered the phone screaming and then cut off. Some would see this as terribly poor taste thing to but at the time we thought it was extremely funny as did his brother when he called back. Although his brother did use some choice words at first.

This does not mean we feel less sympathy for the victims but we were coping with the situation as best we British do, in a pub having a laugh.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dave cusaks nose @ July 13 2005,09:09)]Ill put my hand, yes it was alittle bit of Light heartedness in the wake of last week, sorry if it has offended
apology accepted
[b said:
Quote[/b] (southender @ July 13 2005,09:06)]Would you still find it funny?
Yes because I would expect nothing less from our nation.

It was a quip and if you would get offended by such a remark, then maybe you need to take a more chilled view of life. After all you never know when you will shuffle off this mortal coil.

I think you'll find a lot of "gallows humour" in the fire brigade, it doesn't mean they don't care or have any feelings, it just sometimes helps to get on with things.

A few years ok I was involved in a fatality at work (train driver), a young lady decided to sit in front of my train between Basildon and Pitsea.

Talking about it a few days later to a friend, he said "crikey, what was going through her mind ?"
"Well at the time it was my train" was my reply.

I'm not sure where the answer came from but it was the first time I talked about the incident without wanting to cry.

I'm not sayin it's right for everyone and indeed if you have family involved you wouldn't find it funny but I do think there is room for humour in everything.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (southender @ July 12 2005,16:04)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dave cusaks nose @ July 12 2005,12:42)]Cant say I recognise the face
not very funny
The taste may be questionable, but it was most definitely funny.

What I did find tasteless were journalists ringing my parent's house in an attempt to cash in on someone else's misery. It merely confirms my opinion that journalists are the scum of the earth (apologies MtS).
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dave cusaks nose @ July 13 2005,09:09)]Ill put my hand, yes it was alittle bit of Light heartedness in the wake of last week, sorry if it has offended
Ok you have now apologised fella and at least you have stated that you was wrong so thats a start.

I say a three week ban is on the cards for you DCN and you should think yourself lucky.