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There are some complete morons on here! The club aren't going to announce it until it is 100% booked and confirmed! Call yourself a supporter Trueblue! Try getting behind the club for once!
Not at all if it falls through me and the boys will have a holiday! You really think we are there for the football?!?


Don't get it do you mate! Some of us will go the lengths of the world to watch this team you may not be like that (don't make you any less of a fan btw) but for us that do cost is paramount and my post above details why!

Do you actually think before you post!? Seriously contradicting yourself there!
Like I say, what would Tilly have done in terms of early communication wth fans, he did not exactly give his all or work his socks off on this kind of thing so why Sturrock bash ?

And once you've got this news what exactly arethe expectations of such a tour ? It's about squad bonding and getting fit, pre-season friendlies will still be dull even in a different country.

I've often holidayed where teams go on tour, very few fans go. I was once at a tournament involving Celtic,Cardiff,Middlesborough and a Portuguese mid-table team. Supporter numbers were less about 500,32,26 and 5 for the above teams, so few I could count them in their segregated areas. Total attendance 1,500.

So why get so upset about this ? Some of you have become very bitter over the years, not sur what you expect from a skint club.

Dont think anyone is bashing sturrock more the fact he came on here said tuesday the lastest and didnt deliver and for those who are wanting to book and travel this was very important news/information

Its not about the football in pre season and even less on tour (those who went to Scotland would agree) its more the fact we can have a jolly up in a different country and if it is madrid then a least the weather will be decent.

I dont think anyone is getting up set its more the fact we getting frustracted as we all itchying to book our flights and hotels.

Skint or not skint doesnt mean you cant manage or arrange something much earlier
Slow down here people , every member is allowed their own opinion on here, if it differs from your own,so be it, there is no need to revert to name calling just because you happen to think differently.

The alternate views people have on topics is how this site survives.It would be a tad boring if we all agreed on everything.

Let's all play nicely now.
To enter the fray, I have to say I am mystified as to the purpose of this tour. In the current financial climate both club and fans could have done without the expense of foreign parts and travel. Unless of course the club is striving to create links to a club/clubs that may have benefits in terms of loan players/coaching etc.
Not at all if it falls through me and the boys will have a holiday! You really think we are there for the football?!?


Do you actually think before you post!? Seriously contradicting yourself there!

What I think he means is

1. it doesnt bother him who we play (which it doesnt)
2.going on tour is completly different to league or cup game and has no meaning other then having a jolly up.

Its like watching England away 90% who travel are lower league supporters and its the closest they get to european football they not that fussed about the football its more having a laugh in a different place with your mates
I imagine it's just as frustrating for those Spanish fans waiting to know if the mighty SUFC are coming or not:smile:
Slow down here people , every member is allowed their own opinion on here, if it differs from your own,so be it, there is no need to revert to name calling just because you happen to think differently.

The alternate views people have on topics is how this site survives.It would be a tad boring if we all agreed on everything.

Let's all play nicely now.

Well until Ken deletes the post :hilarious:
Dont think anyone is bashing sturrock more the fact he came on here said tuesday the lastest and didnt deliver and for those who are wanting to book and travel this was very important news/information

Its not about the football in pre season and even less on tour (those who went to Scotland would agree) its more the fact we can have a jolly up in a different country and if it is madrid then a least the weather will be decent.

I dont think anyone is getting up set its more the fact we getting frustracted as we all itchying to book our flights and hotels.

Skint or not skint doesnt mean you cant manage or arrange something much earlier

Or he could have kept quiet, and then when it's announced you'd be none the worse off. If he's reading this, there's a chance he might not bother again. It's been helpful to know he's meeting players, trying to get Freddy and that a tour beckons, etc.

On a separate note, what has happened to SZ ? Some of you have changed so much, so bitter with your posts.
There are some complete morons on here! The club aren't going to announce it until it is 100% booked and confirmed! Call yourself a supporter Trueblue! Try getting behind the club for once!

Hahaha get behind the club!!! Like I don't spend every game cheering shouting and banging that poxy drum all game get your facts in order mate before you question people's support
What I think he means is

1. it doesnt bother him who we play (which it doesnt)
2.going on tour is completly different to league or cup game and has no meaning other then having a jolly up.

Its like watching England away 90% who travel are lower league supporters and its the closest they get to european football they not that fussed about the football its more having a laugh in a different place with your mates

I think that's an excellent summary. I was told by one of you that True Blue occasionally stays in the pub at away games, and indeed I once witnessed him remain on the concourse drinking beer for the duration of a game. We can all make a choice, but why not just have that holiday with the boys regardless ?
I think that's an excellent summary. I was told by one of you that True Blue occasionally stays in the pub at away games, and indeed I once witnessed him remain on the concourse drinking beer for the duration of a game. We can all make a choice, but why not just have that holiday with the boys regardless ?

The football is still important but the whole day is the event the traveling the pub and the football it's a complete package in my opinion - as for drinking not really my outlook any more
maybe a stupid questions but apart from rumours Have the club or PS officially announced a "Tour" maybe im missing something but the only time i hear this being discussed its on here?

Up The Blues
Why on earth would they not want any fans there?

I would have thought with the club's very tight budget, the simple reason for a delay is that they are trying hard to arrange a tour with the right facilities/accommodation and balance that benefits the team for the season ahead for a price that doesn't break the bank. Not easy I would imagine.

By all means think of the fans, but think of the team first.

Spot on - About first sensible post on this topic.

You confirm the dates first and then confirm to the fans after. Imagine if they announced it, loads of fans booked up and it fell through. Can only imagine the moaning then.

Its a pre-season tour they usually get organised late. Wait for the club to tell you when its concrete and see if you can afford it then. Not rocket science all this is it.
Spot on - About first sensible post on this topic.

You confirm the dates first and then confirm to the fans after. Imagine if they announced it, loads of fans booked up and it fell through. Can only imagine the moaning then.

Its a pre-season tour they usually get organised late. Wait for the club to tell you when its concrete and see if you can afford it then. Not rocket science all this is it.

Don't agree, they know the dates and location they could have told us ages ago - they will be able to find an opponent that comes 2nd
Do you work in local government then ?

Nope, I work for an international commodity Exchange which is well done full delivereing change far quicker thatn our couterparts, and as London Blue is fully aware used to work for a tier one investment bank. My industry is supposed to be full of inteligent professionals with lots of full time project managers but despite all of this I still see projects small and large being constantly delivered late. Hence why I am not suprised that an organisation like SUFC is taking more time that some would like to organise this.
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