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Staff member
Nov 2, 2008
Sunny Grays
Oh dear, oh dear.... On that showing, relegation is a real possibility. Totally clueless, ineffective and downright sh*t.

The problems, well, where to start?

Firstly - Long ball football;

Reality hit home today. Hard. Under Tilly we constantly tried to get the ball down and play football. Intricate passes and slick inter-changes look a thing of the past. Instead we now have to look forward to the ball constantly being pumped high into the air. Now don't get me wrong, it can be a very effective tactic, especially at this level, but when you have zero targets, then it is about as much use as Anne Frank's drum kit. Blair Sturrock showed he is not a targetman and was beaten time and time again in the air. I lost count of the amount of hit and hope balls played up to the strikers. Clohessy must think he's Beckham or something. He's constantly pinging balls 60 yards through the air into the Vale box, but no-one even wanted to attack the ball.

Secondly - Player quality;

I'm not looking for scapegoats, but it must be said, that a lot of this mob are devoid of quality. The main culprit being Luke Prosser. He was awful today. A 13-year old schoolgirl would have been more effective. He's a weak as a kitten, his heading was atrocious and i'd hazard a guess, but I reckon he'd struggle to trap a bag of sand. No surprise he got the hook at HT. His replacement, Phillips wasn't much better. Please try out Mohsni in the next game Sturrock.

Thirdly - Cutting edge

This will be our major downfall. We had good attacking spells in the first half, but lacked that special talent to score goals. Vale might have scored 3 in the first half, but we could have had a few ourselves.

A long, hard season is in front of us, and I can see us struggling.
It's the third League game of the season. I would urge people to get a grip, but knowing the sensationalism of the Zone, I think I might be wasting my time.
It's the third League game of the season. I would urge people to get a grip, but knowing the sensationalism of the Zone, I think I might be wasting my time.

OK, let's have a look at the facts shall we?

Played 3, won 0, drawn 1, lost 2, scored 2, conceded 5.

I remember saying we'd struggle last season and people like you said that it's early doors etc etc, but tbh the writing was on the wall then, just as it is now.
It's the third League game of the season. I would urge people to get a grip, but knowing the sensationalism of the Zone, I think I might be wasting my time.

It might only be the 3rd game of the season,but there are few players on our books with any class at all.They are simply a bunch of pretty inapt footballers filling shirts.
Im WELL glad i've got my tickets for Tuesday already! The total lack of quality and commitment was a huge worry!!
I think its too early to judge but I think it might possibly be the case that Ron Martins dismantling of the Tilson era might turn out to be judgement that works out very well for the chairman (thank you Sainsburys) but not so very well for the supporters of Southend United FC -

nothing but complete respect for the good honest people trying to play football for SUFC now - but its simply not that easy -
It's the third League game of the season. I would urge people to get a grip, but knowing the sensationalism of the Zone, I think I might be wasting my time.

at the end of the day and, its just a website, its only people rambellings, thoughts and opinions, weather we are right or wrong, your clearly still enjoying your football and managing the whole shocking debackle that RM has created a lot better than many. Be happy that you can get up in the mornings and be pleased with what you are seeing whilst others are having sleepless nights
I have seen all three league games so far and I think were getting worse and worse.

The only plus side I can see is that Glenn Morris looks good every time I see him. The full backs today were poor, al three central defenders on show looked like a shower of ****. Prosser made two glaring errors, Cloughlan I dont think won a header at all, and Phillips kicked the ball like a small child.

Midfield wise only Grant gets any credit from me even though he was bossed by their massive black number 4. Soares and Zoubaab put one decent cross in all day and the rest of the time were limp both over hitting crosses from great breaks. Easton offers nothing offesively and little defensively - basically been totally underwhelmed by him.

Upfront both Sturrock and Patterson toiled and worked hard but I dont think either got even close to having a decent chance.

Overall it was a total shambels from start to finish. I thought in fairness Port Vale were a strong well organised side but we really made it a peice of **** for them to take the 3 points. Painful as it is to say I was glad to keep it to three as the two (equally ******) like figures of the Richards duo could have had six.
Firstly - Long ball football

Blair Sturrock showed he is not a targetman and was beaten time and time again in the air. I lost count of the amount of hit and hope balls played up to the strikers.

I can see us struggling.

All scarily close to what I predicted even before Sturrock was unveiled...
I think we should give it 10 games before we get too carried away.

Because of work commitments (And we've got bloomin season tickets too) this is the first game I have been to, and I was shocked at how bad we were. But the team needs to gel and there were many times, where they weren't on the same wavelength as each other. That will improve.

I am sure sturrock will make some changes to the squad, and the team. He made a change at half time, which didn't work but he had to do it. Sounds like Moshni has pace, power and height etc..exactly what is needed at both ends of the pitch in this league.

C'mon guys, 10 games and then we can start judging. Everyone in a blue shirt had a bad game yesterday. (Grant was absolutely awful, but I think we all agree he is one of the best players in league 2). I thought Soares improved as the game went on. Would like to see more crosses going in to the box, when Corr is on the pitch. we chucked quite a few in the box in the first half and nothing in the 2nd.
That was our 3rd league game, absolutely terrible ok....
The team is still shaping up, Paul Sturrock is still making decisions on who should start as we now at last have players to choose from. 3rd game, and agree with Phil above we should give it about 10 games to start judging, then we can cry and suffer. But I think there's some quality players out there in our team who still need to reach full potential and are still getting used to playing as a team.
But now lets just give them support cos moaning and abusing them is gonna do no good, especially this early in the season, lets give them support, atmosphere and have faith. Comon seriously
Thing is, I can see Bilel starting, going completely over the top, getting sent off and then everyone berating him. It's such early days yet, we have to calm down and give them a chance.
All scarily close to what I predicted even before Sturrock was unveiled...

Yea, because you were not even willing to give him a chance before he'd even kicked a ball, now happy to gloat in 'i told you so's. Pretty sad.

He has actually done ok and surprised most that have seen him (have you seen him play yet? Genuine question as I don't know if you are based in Glasgow or now??). Lots of 'he is actually better than I expected' after the first few games. Now one off game and people are slagging him off.

He isn't a target man, so why bemoan him when the ball is constantly lumped to him. He was outmuscled yesterday, not his fault - the supply was wrong for him and it was blatantly obvious that Corr would be much better suited to the style of port vale.

In the games where he has got the ball to feet, he has looked an intelligent player with a decent left foot. Even yesterday when he had a spell out wide, you could see he was more comfortable with the ball at his feet.

Really makes me annoyed that people aren't willing to get behind the new players more, Blair is such an easy target and so many idiots were shouting out stuff like f**k off daddies boy etc yesterday. Absolute areseholes.
Yea, because you were not even willing to give him a chance before he'd even kicked a ball, now happy to gloat in 'i told you so's. Pretty sad.

He has actually done ok and surprised most that have seen him (have you seen him play yet? Genuine question as I don't know if you are based in Glasgow or now??). Lots of 'he is actually better than I expected' after the first few games. Now one off game and people are slagging him off.

He isn't a target man, so why bemoan him when the ball is constantly lumped to him. He was outmuscled yesterday, not his fault - the supply was wrong for him and it was blatantly obvious that Corr would be much better suited to the style of port vale.

In the games where he has got the ball to feet, he has looked an intelligent player with a decent left foot. Even yesterday when he had a spell out wide, you could see he was more comfortable with the ball at his feet.

Really makes me annoyed that people aren't willing to get behind the new players more, Blair is such an easy target and so many idiots were shouting out stuff like f**k off daddies boy etc yesterday. Absolute areseholes.

Well said, get the feeling some people (not supporters) enjoy it when we lose. Think this site is the only time they get the chance to talk big as they prob live at home still with mum
As previously said, the lack of quality yesterday was frightening. We just couldn't match Port Vale.
I've just got back from holiday in Dorset, so I didn't go to the PV Game, i haven't even seen the highlights..., but from what I read we had a real 'off' day, moast of the players under-performed, the whole team lacked confidence...

We deservedly got beat 3-1, although it could have been worse,..we're 3rd from the foot of the league with 3 games played. Not great, but lets put things into perspective..

I would say PV are one of the better teams in L2, they have an established squad, and should be strong candidates for promotion. We lost, but it's not the end of the world.

We have a team thrown together in a matter of weeks, with players who don't yet know each other, we really need to give PS a chance to balance the team and get some consisency.

Oh, and Paul Sturrock....BUY A DECENT STRIKER !!!
Morecambe were 20th at the beginning of November last season, having only won once, yet finished 4th in May.

08/08/09 Morecambe 2-2 Hereford
15/08/09 Burton 5-2 Morecambe
18/08/09 Barnet 2-0 Morecambe

It's not even as if those shrimps had only just registered all their players...:whistling: