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Life President⭐⭐
Dec 10, 2006
Hi guys. Oxford game, Just to let anyone know that travels in along Prince Avenue, there was cones out from Tesco to the Bell, reducing both sides down to One Lane today. So avoid it or add plenty of time on to your journey tonight.
I think you will find that the council gardeners were working on the central resevation and will have been long gone by 4pm!!
I think you will find that the council gardeners were working on the central resevation and will have been long gone by 4pm!!

They may well be but the total closure of Vic Ave northbound between Fairfax Drive and Cuckoo corner has now been brought forward to 10pm from 10:30pm, according to the warning signs on the A127 this evening. So for those of you going that way, don't hang about after the final whistle for too long tonight.