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What the fudge happened to..


The Chameleon
Jul 5, 2004
The wispa chocolate bar? Haven't seen one in ages, yet have a strange craving for it.
the Mrs was asking this ther other day

i think it was somehow supersceded by the Cadburys Dairy Milk with bubble bar.

However, this does not make up for it, and definatly in no way covers the loss of Whisper Gold! droool!
I know, i have a strange craving for a wispa bar.. since i received a joke this morning from the previous landlord of the spread..
Oh,the new one isn't txting you then ...Now there is a surprise.:rolleyes:

Haha... not texts, but i'm sure he will soon reveice some sort of correspondance on my behalf.. :thump: :thump: :thump: :guns:
Yup, they discontinued the Wispa to be replaced by the vastly-inferior 'Dairy milk with bubbles'.

Boo. Wispas were one of Cadbury's finest chocolate bars. :(





what are we left with??

Yup, they discontinued the Wispa to be replaced by the vastly-inferior 'Dairy milk with bubbles'.

Boo. Wispas were one of Cadbury's finest chocolate bars. :(

I agree with you on that one.

The same with Cadbury's Caramel, with the bunny. Not the same anymore.
At Glastonbury, two lads jumped on the stage whilst Iggy Pop was performing with a banner that siad "Bring back Wispa!"

In fact, it made it into Wikipedia:


"Currently a group are campaigning to "Bring Back Wispa", according to their spokesperson she explains that there is a need to bring Wispa bars back onto the market as Aero (the Nestle alternative) is simply "vile", the "bubbles in Aero are not the same" all in all she claims that Aero "is a poor excuse for an alternative".