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Whats Your Biggest Drink Related Problem?


Life President
May 29, 2005
Now i've met all kinds of drunks on my travels. I have friends who cant be taken anywhere when they've had a few because they tend to get violent and argumentative... you could argue the sky was green and the grass blue and theyd still defend it to the death, more than likely resulting in a punch up.

My problem is a severe lack of memory. Whilst i've been told before I'm one of the funniest drunks you'll meet, I have no memory because after serious numbers of beers, I have a memory like a sieve. I've been down the pub before, no monster session at all, and have struggled to remember conversations.

This all came to a head last night. I had the lads round before we went into town, and I'm now struggling to remember anything after we left my house. There are beer cans everywhere and bottles of spirit on the loose and i have absolutely nothing to recall for it. I could've led a military coup against the country or joined a revolutionary cult for all I know. It's seriously becoming a problem... My phone has become a serious source of information, and I'm buggered now because it's stopped working.

If only i could remember why it's broken...
That has been a common occurrence for years mate ....it is nothing unusual.;)
LOL! I find that the next day I can't remember much but as the day goes along I start to remember things.
I remember waking one morning with what felt like a piece of string between my front teeth. My first thought was that I hope to Christ that it's a tea bag.:(
I think my most embarrasing moments have been ..

1. Years ago , going out with a girl from the Yellow advertiser...got drunk as a skunk..went back to hers for the normal 4 hours of love making.....Got up in the night to go to the loo half pished still and the next thing I heard was her shouting "oi why are you peeing in my wardrobe".

2. Similar vein .But was at my sisters for Sunday lunch oneday .we all got ratted and i did the same in her Washing basket.

:o :p

There are two many to list in truth ;)
My biggest problem while drinking is introspectiveness (I'm not sure if that is actually a word by the way), I get way too much into my head and I start thinking way too much about my current goals, relationships, etc. Honestly, I wish I would just pass out after a long night out.
I think my most embarrasing moments have been ..

1. Years ago , going out with a girl from the Yellow advertiser...got drunk as a skunk..went back to hers for the normal 4 hours of love making.....Got up in the night to go to the loo half pished still and the next thing I heard was her shouting "oi why are you peeing in my wardrobe".

My mate's b/f did that 2 new year's ago. He was in the bathroom, but instead of peeing in the toilet, he done it up the wall instead....
Wouldn't catch me doing that, oh no! :angel: :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, cos you posh people know where the toilet is, dont you?!! :p

You wouldnt **** up a wall in the bathroom, you'd probably do a Darryl instead, wouldnt you lol :D
I think mobile phones should be banned after 4/5 beers. I tend to ring and text most people in my phone when I'm ****ed up. The best one was ringing up work after Southend won League One. Singing We are the Champions down the phone, followed by the Freddy Eastwood song. I declared my love to everyone at work on the message as well. Whoops.

I tend to be a funny drunk, but I also begin to love everyone and everything in sight. Quite funny really.
My biggest problem with the beer has just been solved, as she left half an hour ago!!!

But hey, I have a sneeky feeling that it will happen again!!
My biggest problem with the beer has just been solved, as she left half an hour ago!!!

But hey, I have a sneeky feeling that it will happen again!!

Another of my problems is i tend to lose every last bit of stamina after a skinful. I'm pretty athletic, but get me wasted and It's all over. It's not a problem of getting it up, it's the fact i have the stamina of a 90 year old asthmatic smoker with a weight problem.