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Who are the real fans?

In my book:

- Never miss a game against Orient or Col U.
- Make sure you've been to at least one away game
- 70% of your games watched this season have to have been competitive
- 51% of the competitive games watched have to have been in the league.
- You have to have seen a game involving a non-Foreign club that are at least 100 miles away but do not begin with the letter 'D'.

Once you've done al them, you're a true fan. If not.....

Ow well that counts me out.......I will burn my Flag and start burning my tattoo off with immediate effect :(
A true fan would have shoved to get to a maximum of 9.7%
Ridiculous post. The sun was shining brightly that day, at 9.7% you wouldnt have seen a thing
Sod off and come back when you've made more than 10 posts. Snobbery indeed. :D :D

So not only do people have to worry about being a "real" fan, there's also a hierarchy for Shrimperzone and how many posts you've made!? Cheers!
I watched us play from 15-24 years old on my own as all my mates hated football but i obviously loved the club since dad used to take me in the 70's as a nipper.The banter in the North Bank was worth the admission alone!
Stopped going at about 24 because i found i was playing myself on Saturdays and Friday nites were for beer and women.
Anyways,it was when i got married and SUFC were hovering just above the Conference that i decided enough is enough,i've just got to get back at the 'Hall to yell from the East stand in an effort to keep our league status.
Going down would break my heart and as Tilson was coming into the hot-seat i was sure to give my support (i'd known Steve around Wickford and his dad was my old man's best mate).
Srangely enough,part of the draw of coming back was the fact that we could have a couple of jars in the Spread and stroll to the ground with 10mins to go,grab a ticket and go and choose a seat!How times change.

When my twins were born i gave up playing the game and went to watch the blues as an escape,a bit of "me" time,as it was quite hectic back then.
Found myself doing away days for the last 4 seasons which averaged out to 8 a season (the wife's a good old girl;) ) and luckily in all that time the club have risen and risen.
To come on here and talk to other fans that i don't know about everything SUFC is just superb,could never do this when i was younger.

To sum up i think a lot of people have taken a break from the club,but i bet a lot of people like me came back when we were at our lowest ebb,staring at the Conference,feeling as though if there was a time the club needs our support,it was then.Can't wait till my little Ronnie is old enough.......
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So not only do people have to worry about being a "real" fan, there's also a hierarchy for Shrimperzone and how many posts you've made!? Cheers!

The "smiley faces" at the end of the post are to denote wit. People put them on their posts when they are joking. It's probably the only way to tell the difference between nasty comments and jokey ones.

Everyone on here started from scratch and we welcome new members , so glad to have you aboard.
Forme it's when you are asked the question "who do you support?" and the unswer is an unthinking "Southend" no matter where you are or what company you are in. Because that generally provokes conversqtion and enlightenment from those around you who have never seen us play.

Circumstances change and can affect how many games you can get to etc etc.

I'm fortunate enough to now be able to afford a season ticket and take in about twenty away games a season, but that hasn't always been the case, have moved down to Pompey and spent a lot of time abroadin the mid 80's.

However you never stop being a Blue and if you get the opportunity you always try and convert anyone that will listen.

My latest recruit is a twenty sone Glaswegian who is an ardent Partick fan, who is now the proud owner of a mini Blues scarf which shares his back window on his car. He'll hopefully be coming down to the Hall this season.

Old and new fit together perfectly well, and if this month goes as we all hope it will ground wise, then they'll be enough room for everyone too, in the furture to see this club hopefully move on a level to where a town of Southend's size should have had a football team consistently competingyears ago. Namely the second tier of English football, as a minimum.
In my book:

- Never miss a game against Orient or Col U.
- Make sure you've been to at least one away game
- 70% of your games watched this season have to have been competitive
- 51% of the competitive games watched have to have been in the league.
- You have to have seen a game involving a non-Foreign club that are at least 100 miles away but do not begin with the letter 'D'.

Once you've done al them, you're a true fan. If not.....

That discounts a lot of people on this board ~ oh well, thanks for confirming that I'm no longer a real fan ...
its not down to how many games you go to its down to you following your club through thick and thin. its not saying your a fan then not seeing the club ever again because we get relegated. if your a real fan you would support the club whether its in the championship or the conference.

Spot on. Being a Shrimper is all about sticking with Southend through thick and thin. Its about saying "Southend" when someone asks you who you support and then defending them when they try and belittle you.
So not only do people have to worry about being a "real" fan, there's also a hierarchy for Shrimperzone and how many posts you've made!? Cheers!

Well done, you're now up to 11. What was the question again?
The "smiley faces" at the end of the post are to denote wit. People put them on their posts when they are joking. It's probably the only way to tell the difference between nasty comments and jokey ones.

Everyone on here started from scratch and we welcome new members , so glad to have you aboard.

Speak for yourself. :D :D (note: smileys!)
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The "smiley faces" at the end of the post are to denote wit. People put them on their posts when they are joking. It's probably the only way to tell the difference between nasty comments and jokey ones.

That must be where I've been going wrong all this time. In that case, I'd like to apologise for about 6,596 of my posts to all concerned.
Lot of interesting comments on this. I think a combination of the quotes from Dave the Shrimper and RowHSt101RHall sum up it best for me:

"If you cheer when you see Southend have won or feel a bit sad when we get beat."

"When you are asked the question "who do you support?" and the answer is an unthinking "Southend" no matter where you are or what company you are in"

Though I might add a third:

"When you do go to watch Southend, don't boo your own team's players";)