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Blue tinted optimist⭐
Oct 28, 2003
Cloud cuckoo land
Reading a few messages in the past, it seems that svereal posters don't fully understand the loan system and how it is so crucial for a club like ours.

In the dim and distant past, sending a player out on loan practically signalled the end for him at that particular club. The same can be said now of course, but (especially with young and fringe players) clubs like us tend to also use it as a way of keeping players sharp, on the basis that it's better for them to be playing somewhere regularly rather than kicking their heels on the bench or in the stiffs. Bear in mind this is less of a problem "oop north" where they have the Pontins reserve league and it's a pretty decent standard, so you can actually use the reserve games up there to get players coming back from injuries fit quicker and to keep players match fit. It will be like watching squad players all the time. Our reserves just aren't like that.

So if we send players out on loan with a small squad, such as Lokando to Oxford, lets not all panic; it will be a way of sharpening him up and giving him experience of the sort of competitive football he wouldn't see here.

Far better to recall a player that's match fit rather than thrust one into the fray that hasn't played properly for months and months.
Good points FBM.

On the flip side too, it gives us an opportunity to put players in the shop window when they can't get into our side, dramatically increasing our options. When you look at Hooper who always brought his banjo with him when looking for the Roots Hall barn door, the loan system still allowed us to get a decent fee.

That's not even looking at the stream of great players we've signed over the last 3-5 years off the back of the loan system. It certainly suits us.
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The loan system gives us the opportunity to sign quality players that we would not be able to afford to sign otherwise...

Can we loan a left winger please!?!

Absolutely spot on fbm. The current game in England now has the loan system at its core. From the lending club's POV, players can be added to a squad and then kept in form by loaning them out. Similarly players at a club who are surplus to requirements can be loaned out either to offset some of their wages, or else to serve as a shop window.

From the borrowing clubs POV the loan system gives an opportunity in some cases to obtain the services temporaily of a player that is way out of their financial limits. Alternatively a loan can give the opportunity to more closely examine a player before deciding to bid for him (and give the pplayer a chance to experience the club). And of course it gives smaller/poorer clubs a way of keepig their heads above the water by allowing them to maintain a smaller squad than they need and fill in the gaps as and when necessary.
The loan system gives us the opportunity to sign quality players that we would not be able to afford to sign otherwise...

Can we loan a left winger please!?!


I've got this hunch that if we sign a winger (or two) they may come in on loan as I think Tilly may see this as an area which can be experimented on through the first months of the season. Whereas in contrast, constantly changing your centre half partnership can be detrimental.