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Women's World Cup 2015

Second half against Mexico was better than the first. Good substitutions won the game. Fran Kriby scored a well taken goal, pulled the Mexico back line all over the place and Greenwood pushed up really well on the left and put some great crosses in, one leading to Carney scoring the second goal. I'd like to see Kirby and Greenwood start against Columbia, they deserve it. Kirby is th esurprise package really. Playing for Reading in the second tier, she is small but quick, skillful and a willing runner

I think that's only because of her troubles with depression. She gave up football for two years, and hasn't been back playing properly all that long.
Women's World Cup

Anyone watching the England game tonight?

I think the standard has been good so far.

Cheer on the ladies! Hope they can do better than the Men's effort...
Perhaps I'm having a bad night, but the male commentator for England v Columbia is a total tit, I've had to turn the volume down.
Playing really well.

I wouldn't say that to be honest, while we've opened them up at times, our keeper and defenders are really poor on the ball and Colombia have got through us at times.
I felt a bit sorry for the Columbians over the penalty. They looked so upset that I wanted to give them a big cuddle.....
Henry just scored a screamer for France, bit cheating having Thierry playing in a blonde wig! :winking:
Sort-of impressed by the women last night, particularly Fran Kirby who gave the Colombia back four no end of trouble. Colombia's number 10 was already fun to watch, but constantly did nothing with the ball once she'd tricked and sauntered her way past her opponent. It was like watching Ronaldo circa 2004, all the tricks in the world but no end product.

I say I was sort-of impressed because, while we dominated the game, we failed to put Colombia to the sword. We could've been 3 or 4-0 up at HT and should've put the game away when we had them on the ropes. Instead we coasted, and it allowed Colombia back into the game late on. We can't be that profligate if we're to go as far as we can.
Great result by the ladies, first ever win in the knockout stages of the World Cup. :clap:

The hosts Canada next.
Well done to the English ladies ,like Australia 1st win in the knockout stages, But English women have an easier qtr final than the Aussie , they really should defeat Canada.Aussies either got the World Champions or the Netherlands.:happy:
Well done to the English ladies ,like Australia 1st win in the knockout stages, But English women have an easier qtr final than the Aussie , they really should defeat Canada.Aussies either got the World Champions or the Netherlands.:happy:

Why should they really defeat Canada? They're the host nation who have a higher pedigree than us. You only have to look at the outright betting markets to see who "really should" be winning that game.
England again were poor, for much of it they looked like Col Ewe trying to imitate Stoke - the tactics were elementary and frustrating, and the execution even worse. Too many mis-hit long passes and a futile game for Duggan. However the switch did improve things, mainly because there are genuine 'ballers' (urgh, hate that term) in the team who when given more of a license to be creative can have an impact. They were then in a good position to keep possession (to an extent) and close the game out.
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