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Would you vote for these polices

  • Yes definately

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Maybe but more flesh on the bones needed

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No way

    Votes: 10 66.7%
  • Im Labour through and through

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Im Tory through and through

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Jun 28, 2007
After the success of the SNP last night and seeing the unelectability of the two main (only) parties in English parties, I have decided to start up a new party; The ENP (English Nationalist Party). Below is a list of sample policies, so please vote!

- The union to be scrapped as the barnett formula favours the Scots, using English money. Let them look after themselves!
- Basic rate of Income tax to be cut to 18p/ £1. Funded by 5p rise in top band. Any extra revenue raised goes into the NHS
- House of Lords 100% elected.
- Queen to receive no taxpayers money (i.e. use value of estates to fund themselves)
- Job seekers allowance to be paid for 1 month. If you havent got a job by then, you have to either do full time voluntary work or you lose your benefits.
- As franchises end, gradual renationalisation of the rail companies to end the farcical level of service and value that we get on them. All then rebranded under Network Rail and run "not for profit" as NR is. Prices should fall substantially.
- Sustained above inflation investment in education. Paid for by the savings in Job seekers allowance
- Points system in immigration so we get the people we need for certain areas and not the people who raid our benefits system
- Increase prison places by 25% to 100,000 using old prision ships etc
- Draft a new human rights bill which lists a responsibility with each right in order for it to apply to you
- One off windfall tax on energy companies with the proceeds going to those who are in "fuel poverty"
- Government spending should be independently audited to try and find areas where efficiencies could be made
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HAd some good feedback on the other thread. Anyone else got some ideas?
Instead of not funding the Queen I would seize the assets of the entire Royal family and put them to work put to work posing for photos with tourist groups and providing guided tours of Buckingham palace, Windsor castle (which would be handed over to the National Trust) etc.

They would be free to keep their titles and to continue the royal bloodline because I would hate to deprive the country of part of its heritage.
Instead of not funding the Queen I would seize the assets of the entire Royal family and put them to work put to work posing for photos with tourist groups and providing guided tours of Buckingham palace, Windsor castle (which would be handed over to the National Trust) etc.

They would be free to keep their titles and to continue the royal bloodline because I would hate to deprive the country of part of its heritage.

My policy is simply that they should use the value of their estates to fund themselves (which run into 10's of millions) instead of taking off the taxpayer who can ill afford it
I dont actually mind the queen / monarchy being funded by tax payers*.... If I had a choice Id certainly prefer my money going to them then to some of the wasters claiming benefits**.

* Obviously given the choice Id rather keep the money myself then pay for the queen but I suspect the amount I pay per annum that goes to her is probably less then the amount I lose when I dont bother getting change at my local shop...

**I know there are genuine people who through unfortunate circumstances have to claim benefits and I am more than happy for my taxes to pay for this, however it's the ones who dont deserve it that I object to funding their nicotine / drinking / gambling / pregnancies
Originally Posted by Barrettisalegend
- The union to be scrapped as the barnett formula favours the Scots, using English money. Let them look after themselves!

Would the Scottish Oil money we used to support the massive denationalisation subsidies of the 1980's be paid back to the Scots in one go then ? or is it a case of we will have a United Kingdom when it suits the English (Welsh coal is another example) but once the natural resources of your province has been raped you can bugger off and leave us alone.

I like the abolition of the civil list.

As for the renationalisation of the railways..The ideals of nationalised industries is that the whole portfolio is self financing. The bottom fell out of the idea when the profitable parts were sold off (ie oil & telecoms) and left the loss making elements (ie Rail , Mines ) in the public domain, these could only be shipped out by the massive injection of subsidies from public funds.

The intoduction of an extensive public Transport system is a splendid idea , but it will not make money, if likes of BP and BT had not been sold off and the mobile phone licences not farmed out to their buddies , there may well be enough in the public companies portfolio to subsidise something for the people.
Would the Scottish Oil money we used to support the massive denationalisation subsidies of the 1980's be paid back to the Scots in one go then ? or is it a case of we will have a United Kingdom when it suits the English (Welsh coal is another example) but once the natural resources of your province has been raped you can bugger off and leave us alone.

I like the abolition of the civil list.

As for the renationalisation of the railways..The ideals of nationalised industries is that the whole portfolio is self financing. The bottom fell out of the idea when the profitable parts were sold off (ie oil & telecoms) and left the loss making elements (ie Rail , Mines ) in the public domain, these could only be shipped out by the massive injection of subsidies from public funds.

The intoduction of an extensive public Transport system is a splendid idea , but it will not make money, if likes of BP and BT had not been sold off and the mobile phone licences not farmed out to their buddies , there may well be enough in the public companies portfolio to subsidise something for the people.

If I just cover each point one at a time -

- It appears that the Scots want independence and therefore it would be in both peoples imterests imo as they get what they want and we no longer have to subsidise the scottish and have their mp's sitting in our parliament voting on english issues (also brown and co go!)

- In terms of renationalisation of the rails, I would look at the example of Network Rail. Since the contractors were all brought in house (which is as good as renationalisation), there has been a huge cut in accidents, costs are down and the standard of work is up. Now at the moment, the rail companies pay subsidies to the gov to run the services and these are factored into the ticket price so you could immediately take that out of the price. Also, toc's have to make a profit and that is factored into the price and that could be taken out (partly) to cut prices. Any profit made would be invested into Network Rail to improve trains, stations or infrastructure. You would also benefit from economies of scale as more people would use the system due to it being cheaper and the increase in petrol prices
I managed to graduate with £1400 debt. Mainly because I worked in the holidays and at weekends. 20k is ridiculous.

I've got about £15k but thats because I did 2 degrees. I had my fees paid for, but I had a loan as well throughout my 4 years. If I didnt have that, there would be no way I could have lived and survived at uni in Cheltenham and Chelmsford.
In terms of renationalisation of the rails, I would look at the example of Network Rail. Since the contractors were all brought in house (which is as good as renationalisation), there has been a huge cut in accidents, costs are down and the standard of work is up. Now at the moment, the rail companies pay subsidies to the gov to run the services and these are factored into the ticket price so you could immediately take that out of the price. Also, toc's have to make a profit and that is factored into the price and that could be taken out (partly) to cut prices. Any profit made would be invested into Network Rail to improve trains, stations or infrastructure. You would also benefit from economies of scale as more people would use the system due to it being cheaper and the increase in petrol prices

You on the "inside" Barrett? I doubt it.

NWR is more subsidised that British Rail ever was. The MD's just took bonuses of £250K, staff are leaving left right and centre to contracting companies as they can earn a decent wage and be treated like adults.

A huge cut in accidents? You sure? The figures are manipulated and massaged. It's no safer now than it was years ago.

I agree that we need to dump the TOC's and bring back the running of trains into house and tell Mr Branson that people want to go to other places other than Manchester.
I'm sorry to say but each policy is far-fetched, half-baked and mired in fantasy land. I don't think the Lords should be 100% elected (most of the electorate are quite frankly dim), I don't think the royal family should be abolished, as it gives us history and prestige, I don't believe in renationalisation (increases taxes), I believe the Union is good, I don't believe the income tax needs to be changed (or high earners taxed significantly more), what else, JSA for one month, is a ridiculous idea. Investment in education is OK, but at what cost? Points for immigration would make people go underground, new human rights bill wouldnt work and increasing prison places by using ships is facile, old news, and a sad alternative to actual rehabilitation.

So, no, I don't agree with any of them.
You on the "inside" Barrett? I doubt it.

NWR is more subsidised that British Rail ever was. The MD's just took bonuses of £250K, staff are leaving left right and centre to contracting companies as they can earn a decent wage and be treated like adults.

A huge cut in accidents? You sure? The figures are manipulated and massaged. It's no safer now than it was years ago.

I agree that we need to dump the TOC's and bring back the running of trains into house and tell Mr Branson that people want to go to other places other than Manchester.

Well at least we agree on the main principle
make the winter fuel allowance for OAPS means tested. there are plenty of over 60s still in work or with large pensions that get the £200 but dont really need it.
The same with Free TV licences for over 75's... this should be means tested, not a given.
make the winter fuel allowance for OAPS means tested. there are plenty of over 60s still in work or with large pensions that get the £200 but dont really need it.
The same with Free TV licences for over 75's... this should be means tested, not a given.

No no no. It would cost money to means test everyone and then the money saved by not giving them the allowances etc would be lost anyway.
I'm sorry to say but each policy is far-fetched, half-baked and mired in fantasy land. I don't think the Lords should be 100% elected (most of the electorate are quite frankly dim), I don't think the royal family should be abolished, as it gives us history and prestige, I don't believe in renationalisation (increases taxes), I believe the Union is good, I don't believe the income tax needs to be changed (or high earners taxed significantly more), what else, JSA for one month, is a ridiculous idea. Investment in education is OK, but at what cost? Points for immigration would make people go underground, new human rights bill wouldnt work and increasing prison places by using ships is facile, old news, and a sad alternative to actual rehabilitation.

So, no, I don't agree with any of them.

Tbf you have misinterpreted a number of my policies -

1. Im not asking for the Royal Family to be abolished; Im just saying it should not be subsidised by the downtrodden taxpayer
2. The JSA for one month idea has worked very well in other countries (USA and australia I believe)
3. Points for immigration would mean that we would only let people into the country in the future on what we need. It doesnt apply to people already here
4. Imprisioning people is the ONLY way you can guarantee they wont carry out a crime
make the winter fuel allowance for OAPS means tested. there are plenty of over 60s still in work or with large pensions that get the £200 but dont really need it.
The same with Free TV licences for over 75's... this should be means tested, not a given.

I wouldnt agree this policy on the basis that they have all paid their taxes and are all therefore entitled to the benefits of this
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