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Life President
May 29, 2005
Yesterday was Varsity day, where Brighton Uni take on Sussex Uni at sports followed by a monumental **** up that night. Having watched us beat Sussex, me and a few lads watched the football before going out to hit a few bars and then on to a club.

A little addition to this story is what happened on my Birthday, and my flat mates Birthday. Long story short, I got exceedingly hammered on both occasions and slept with a girl who isn't ugly, but certainly isn't a looker either. This girl is my flat mates girlfriend's best mate, and since I slept with her, my flatmate's girlfriend has been putting ideas in her head about us being together.

Last night, this girl has organised it so she managed to sit next to me, going as far out of her way as to physically move lads I was talking to off of the sofas. I did my best to ignore her, having already made it clear to her that I wasn't looking for any kind of relationship but that didn't seem to put her off...

After a few drinks (All Ale/lager £1.25 a pint for St. Georges day, result) We got to the club and I was got talking to a girl I vaguely know through another mate. Everything was going well until she went to the toilet. She came back, said she had to go and walked off. Turns out, my flatmates girlfriend and her mate had cornered this girl in the toilet, warned her to leave me alone and if she didnt, theyd come looking for her.

Now, that's crazy enough, but on top of that this girl has told everybody we're seeing eachother, which we're 100% not, and will be changing her hair colour to brunette after hearing I prefer brunette's.

It's 9:48am and i've already had several texts off this girl asking me what i'm doing today...

My question is, how long does this need to go on for before I can either a) legally obtain a restraining order or b) have her assassinated.
I think you are justified in carrying out either action a or b, assuming you have told her yourself there is a snowballs chance in hell of you dating her.
Why dont you actually be a man and tell her that its not going to happen. Despite the fact she does sound a little crazy and you have tried to ignore her etc, you havent exactly gone out of your way to assure her that it isnt going to happen and until you do she will probably carry on.

Maybe you should have thought about this before you slept with her.
Why dont you actually be a man and tell her that its not going to happen. Despite the fact she does sound a little crazy and you have tried to ignore her etc, you havent exactly gone out of your way to assure her that it isnt going to happen and until you do she will probably carry on.

Maybe you should have thought about this before you slept with her.

Here's the thing... I have already told her, twice, that i'm not looking for a relationship as "nice as she is, it's just not what i'm looking for"... In retrospect, I shouldn't have slept with her, but retrospect is a great thing when looking back on things.
Everything was going well until she went to the toilet. She came back, said she had to go and walked off. Turns out, my flatmates girlfriend and her mate had cornered this girl in the toilet, warned her to leave me alone and if she didnt, theyd come looking for her.

I had this problem ESB... A girl I f*cked thought she really had a chance when all it was to me was another goal! Anyway after she done something similar to that I didn't know what to do, so I left it a few days no texts back, then I texted something like 'I've got a new girlfriend, and she doesn't appreciate me texting other birds' didn't get an instant reply then I get a withheld phone call from some bloke telling me he wants to 'crush' my head in! He didn't say why but I can only assume as I was laughing down the phone at him that it had something to do with this creature I slept with! Learnt my lesson though,,, don't f*ck a girl that you've given your number to! This worked for me cos she never tryed contacting me anymore and have yet to see her out... but it truly depends on the nature of the beast I supose! I wish you luck in you solution making!
Sounds very much like a similar issue I had at uni ESB, I've already posted about it in a past thread (think it was about stalkers) but it really ended screwing up a possible chance I had with a girl I'd been after the whole way through my course. Ah, Lorna Taylor I wonder where you are these days!
Yesterday was Varsity day, where Brighton Uni take on Sussex Uni at sports followed by a monumental **** up that night. Having watched us beat Sussex, me and a few lads watched the football before going out to hit a few bars and then on to a club.

A little addition to this story is what happened on my Birthday, and my flat mates Birthday. Long story short, I got exceedingly hammered on both occasions and slept with a girl who isn't ugly, but certainly isn't a looker either. This girl is my flat mates girlfriend's best mate, and since I slept with her, my flatmate's girlfriend has been putting ideas in her head about us being together.

Last night, this girl has organised it so she managed to sit next to me, going as far out of her way as to physically move lads I was talking to off of the sofas. I did my best to ignore her, having already made it clear to her that I wasn't looking for any kind of relationship but that didn't seem to put her off...

After a few drinks (All Ale/lager £1.25 a pint for St. Georges day, result) We got to the club and I was got talking to a girl I vaguely know through another mate. Everything was going well until she went to the toilet. She came back, said she had to go and walked off. Turns out, my flatmates girlfriend and her mate had cornered this girl in the toilet, warned her to leave me alone and if she didnt, theyd come looking for her.

Now, that's crazy enough, but on top of that this girl has told everybody we're seeing eachother, which we're 100% not, and will be changing her hair colour to brunette after hearing I prefer brunette's.

It's 9:48am and i've already had several texts off this girl asking me what i'm doing today...

My question is, how long does this need to go on for before I can either a) legally obtain a restraining order or b) have her assassinated.

That's some crazy **** there brother. The only fair thing to do, as Southend Lady said is to tell her she's creeping you out, that you are not interested and that she should leave you alone.

If that doesn't work, call her a ****, hit her hard over the head with a clawhammer and bury her under the foundations of a nearby construction site. That'll learn her.
Get her back to your place one more time, then get every fantasy, the more disgusting the better , done. if she hasn't got up and left by then get a mate in and ask him to to do something foul whilst you watch.

if this doesn't work you may well have to go back to hers one more time and use the Crico's curtains method.........
I had a similar situation some years ago, to the extent that the girl in question almost attacked a mate of mine when I hadn't returned one of her calls. That was without having slept with her.

My advice would be, lie low. Change your mobile number, even change your hair if you have to. Stalkers are rarely rational.
Why dont you actually be a man and tell her that its not going to happen. Despite the fact she does sound a little crazy and you have tried to ignore her etc, you havent exactly gone out of your way to assure her that it isnt going to happen and until you do she will probably carry on.

Maybe you should have thought about this before you slept with her.

Surely that's obvious?

Incase he decides he wants a bunk-up anytime in the future. If he kicks her into touch 100% then he doesn't have a fall back plan.
If I had a quid for everytime I've heard this....He's a bloke! Of course he didn't think about it! That's what we do!

Doink first, ask questions later.

Well if you want to use the "im a boke, what did you expect me to do" then expect to have to deal with the implications after and then dont expect sympathy!

Like I said earlier though, she does sound more crazy than the rest of us and maybe the old saying "you have to be cruel to be kind" will sort her out......be as blunt as you like as long as it getst the point across that you arent interested. Until she hears from the horses mouth quite bluntly that you are not interested in anything at all from her then she will prb continue to pursue you!

Other than that, you may have been an absolute stalion in bed and she is looking for some more of that loving!
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If I had a quid for everytime I've heard this....He's a bloke! Of course he didn't think about it! That's what we do!

Doink first, ask questions later.

I agree - I hadnt read your posted when I neg repped Southend Lady for such a stupid comment but funny enough you said the same thing.....
Why dont you actually be a man and tell her that its not going to happen. Despite the fact she does sound a little crazy and you have tried to ignore her etc, you havent exactly gone out of your way to assure her that it isnt going to happen and until you do she will probably carry on.

Maybe you should have thought about this before you slept with her.


Daryl - "Look Sam, it is just not going to happen"

Sam - "Don’t say that....i just want that peachy bum, i wont stop stallking you no mater what"

Daryl - "but it is promised to someone else"

Sam - "I know, i know.....its the property of your wife"

there is a long pause before Daryl chirps up

Daryl - "Well actually Sam, i have promised it to ........WSL"

Dum Dum Dum Dum dadadum dum dum
I agree - I hadnt read your posted when I neg repped Southend Lady for such a stupid comment but funny enough you said the same thing.....

Yeah ok I know men are so shallow that all they are interested in is a shag most of the time but if you know the repercussions are going to have to be dealt with after then why complain about it!!!!!!
Why cant a bloke say to a girl 'before anything happens, I really dont wanna take it any further, i.e i'm not interested in a relationship, I just want a bit of fun, i.e a shag.'?

Then there will be no problems there, would there?