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Yorkshire Blue

Super Moderator⭐
Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
Just a thought, but after Liverpool's comedy deadline day transfer dealings which left them with only 2 players in a position in which their manager would rather play three, who was that kid we flogged them and what were the sell-ons?
Michael Ngoo signed for Liverpool in Sep 2009, for a fee potentially rising to £250,000.
The have a your Spanish kid, Osoo (or something) who will get a game long before our lad.

Suso? He's a central midfielder.

Ngoo's started all three of Liverpool's U21 fixtures this season and scored once, so it stands to reason that he's on the fringes of first-team involvement, particularly if one of Suarez or Borini picks up an injury.
Yeah I think Ngoo is definitely in the picture for a step up into the first team squad presuming that Liverpool don't pick up a free agent at some point.
Appears Morgan is above Ngoo in the pecking order going by his first team appearances againts Hearts. Suso is a very highly rated (by the supporter's anyway) centre midfielder. Wouldn't surprise me to see Shelvey pushed forward more though.

What are the clauses, does anyone know? ie First team appearance, start goal etc etc.
Indeed, Morgan would play ahead of Ngoo. He is the one fans are talking about breaking through at the moment.
Appears Morgan is above Ngoo in the pecking order going by his first team appearances againts Hearts. Suso is a very highly rated (by the supporter's anyway) centre midfielder. Wouldn't surprise me to see Shelvey pushed forward more though.

What are the clauses, does anyone know? ie First team appearance, start goal etc etc.

A fictitious Lap family headed by a benevolent old man who distributes gifts to all the children of the world during December.
Shelvey was playing just behind the striker last night for the u21's so yes think your right in saying that.
A fictitious Lap family headed by a benevolent old man who distributes gifts to all the children of the world during December.


Errhhh - not quite. He doesn't deliver to me or my family - I put a big sign on the roof saying I'm a humanist ........... although I'm thinking of changing it to say I'm an investment banker as that might be a bigger deterrent ...............

And I think the politically correct term for "Laps" now is Samis ................ :whistling:
Good luck too the lad up there.farcical how Liverpool fc being run now