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RM: "I tried to sign Chris 10 years ago as a player. I met him for the final time when I thought he was going to sign and he turned up with a bottle of champagne which was a very gentlemanly thing to do. I've never forgotten that."

One of the things I'm really looking forward to is being able to have pride in my club again.

The last few years have been tough with heroes in short supply (the likes of Ranger, Inniss, Ferdinand, Timlin, Wordsworth etc have all had their run-ins with the police - I'll still cheer for them but it makes them harder to like).

We may not be the best at football, we may not be the most entertaining, but when things go wrong I'm at least going to be able to be take real solace in having someone who is such a class act as a human being in charge of my club. It'll at least feel like I'm cheering on the good guys.

No more blaming the refs, no more cringing as players are publicly thrown under the bus again or as other jobs become available, no more wincing with embarrassment every time the media mention our manager. Here's someone who can keep our heads held high and make us proud to say we are Southend.

Right now, I'll take that.
Some more pics


I think you are thinking of just the die hard supporters will turn up, there will probably be an extra couple of thousand on top due to the feel good factor of the legend coming home. A lot of part time supporters will likely want to witness this occasion and forget about our current form, it should be quite a day on Saturday. If it was not for work commitments I would have made the journey up from Cornwall !
a big gate ? Won't be anymore than 7,000 for sure:sad:
One of the things I'm really looking forward to is being able to have pride in my club again.

The last few years have been tough with heroes in short supply (the likes of Ranger, Inniss, Ferdinand, Timlin, Wordsworth etc have all had their run-ins with the police - I'll still cheer for them but it makes them harder to like).

Tilmin's was a bit silly but he is a hero, have you forgotten Stevenage sir?

Anyway welcome Back Sir Chris Powell! :smile::smile:
I think you are thinking of just the die hard supporters will turn up, there will probably be an extra couple of thousand on top due to the feel good factor of the legend coming home. A lot of part time supporters will likely want to witness this occasion and forget about our current form, it should be quite a day on Saturday. If it was not for work commitments I would have made the journey up from Cornwall !

Well the extra 2,000 have not got their tickets yet!
Huddersfield fan here, one of the three worst managers we've had in the 21st century. Boring, dull, dour tactics. Drove thousands of fans away, settling for draws at half-time whilst at home, when losing games coming out with "oh well, we never expected to beat Derby anyway", spent most of the week down in London and had his coaches do the training and left us with the most unfit team in the league when he was sacked. The best thing Huddersfield ever did was sack that fraud.
Huddersfield fan here, one of the three worst managers we've had in the 21st century. Boring, dull, dour tactics. Drove thousands of fans away, settling for draws at half-time whilst at home, when losing games coming out with "oh well, we never expected to beat Derby anyway", spent most of the week down in London and had his coaches do the training and left us with the most unfit team in the league when he was sacked. The best thing Huddersfield ever did was sack that fraud.

TBF to Chris, I went to Huddersfield once and no ****ing way would I go back.
Tilmin's was a bit silly but he is a hero, have you forgotten Stevenage sir?

Anyway welcome Back Sir Chris Powell! :smile::smile:

I haven't and I still have something of a soft spot for him but it diminished his status.

I hope these sorts of incidents are much rarer under the former PFA Chairman's watch and I hope new heroes are created.
Huddersfield fan here, one of the three worst managers we've had in the 21st century. Boring, dull, dour tactics. Drove thousands of fans away, settling for draws at half-time whilst at home, when losing games coming out with "oh well, we never expected to beat Derby anyway", spent most of the week down in London and had his coaches do the training and left us with the most unfit team in the league when he was sacked. The best thing Huddersfield ever did was sack that fraud.

Come on, tell us what you really think?
Huddersfield fan here, one of the three worst managers we've had in the 21st century. Boring, dull, dour tactics. Drove thousands of fans away, settling for draws at half-time whilst at home, when losing games coming out with "oh well, we never expected to beat Derby anyway", spent most of the week down in London and had his coaches do the training and left us with the most unfit team in the league when he was sacked. The best thing Huddersfield ever did was sack that fraud.

Well, thanks for that.

Good luck in The Championship next year.

So, SCP's tenure wasn't at all blighted by anything going on above him?

Oh and btw, have a read of what "that fraud" said about your lot the other week :-


He's a class act, a class bloke and above all, knows all about respect!
Makes me smile seeing him back, just hope it is not too nostalgic, but would hope the optimism around the Hall gives us enough momentum to stay up and then we find out his real management pedigree next season.
Huddersfield fan here, one of the three worst managers we've had in the 21st century. Boring, dull, dour tactics. Drove thousands of fans away, settling for draws at half-time whilst at home, when losing games coming out with "oh well, we never expected to beat Derby anyway", spent most of the week down in London and had his coaches do the training and left us with the most unfit team in the league when he was sacked. The best thing Huddersfield ever did was sack that fraud.

You could have the dynamic Dick Bate. He would have transformed your team.