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Is this an official thing from the club?

Sad as this is, I guess everyone is aware of exactly the reasons behind what happened?
The club will be reading out the names of all fans who have died in the last year.

Personally I feel that making the applause for these 2 people is un-neccessary --- especially for the reasons behind the 2 deaths.

Any applause is being organised by friends, not the club.
A question (not a judgement), were they Shrimpers? Any loss of life is very sad and regardless of the circumstances very unnecessary loss of life.
no, not Southend fans as stated by many on the Facebook page. Not to sound out of order, but it is not needed. There seems to be so many applauses, minutes silences etc in football now that the important ones don't mean anything.
Condolences to the family but this culture of grief is getting ridiculous in football and life in general. Maybe I'm heartless but unless I personally know the person I see no reason to join in some public mourning of two young lads who I don't know ever attended a southern game. All deaths are sad in their own way.
If any of their friends want to show any sign of remember acne to the individuals that lost their lives they should attend their funerals as a sign of respect to the families.

If either of them were Blues fans then add their names to the list that will be read out. Their deaths have to be put into perspective.
According to the Evening Echo this was started on FB! conflicting headline and report - well done to the Echo...:nope:

However the club say there will be a minutes applause before the game to commemorate lives of all SUFC fans who have passed away.


Not comfortable about the 17th minute applause given the circumstances and pending criminal investigation. Tragic waste of young lives, but the club and supporters group should have been consulted on this to avoid any embarrassment.
Don't know how this started but I saw the Spoof news site Southend news network published this on Facebook and it backfired somewhat.

So basically we have 2 17 year olds who don't appear to have any connection to the club and who at best kept dubious company and were in a vehicle that refused to stop for the police according to reports. The driver has been arrested for, amongst other things, possession of drugs. As someone above has said, if people who know them want to show respect perhaps they can go to the funeral.

The mawkishness that has spread from Liverpool fans (a club that has suffered tragedy) throughout football is embarrassing.

I'd be embarrassed if this happens at roots hall for this incident.
Agree with all the above. Respect those Shrimpers that have passed this year, absolutely. These two and the 17th minute no way.
Whilst I think applause should be for all who sadly passed away - as organised by the club - I do feel there is a harshness regarding the two 17 year old lads that died.
Yes it may be proved they were being totally stupid at the time and the law may have been broken. But they were 17 year old kids making extremely stupid mistake. Who didn't?
They should not be glorified but neither should their memory be worth less than others.
We all make mistakes (especially at 17) - it is life and so sadly at times ...death : (

"mistakes..I've made a few".
The mawkishness that has spread from Liverpool fans (a club that has suffered tragedy) throughout football is embarrassing.

Almost as embarrassing as their denial in contributing to any wrongdoings for the disasters that have beset them.
Today is supposed to be about remembering true fans that have sadly been lost during the last year such as my 85 year old father and 23 year old son! Let's remember the fans.
I won't be applauding. No I will save that for a deserving shrimper, say someone who has been tragically killed by some idiot in an illegal car who has sped away from the police.

My family know very well the misery a young dangerous driver can cause, especially at this time of year. My own father was killed on a Christmas Eve morning, by an 18 year old lad. Although not being chased, he had been to an all night party and was in in unroadworthy vehicle on the wrong side of the road.

Sad though it is for the families of these two 17 year olds who crashed in Leigh. At least they never ruined anyone else's life because as any Police officer or Firefighter will tell you that is so often the case.

If any of you do have teenagers who are close to driving or even going out in friends cars, make sure they attend a Safe Drive Stay Alive event. It was something I was involved in and have never yet met a young person or adult who hasn't been impressed by the event. Who knows it might just save their life one day.
Can someone with clout call the Echo and ask them to remove their website article about Southend United fans supporting the applause, because clearly we don't. Also ask the Echo to run an article in their hard copy to say they got it wrong about us and we don't want to be associated with these teenagers thank you very much.
no, not Southend fans as stated by many on the Facebook page. Not to sound out of order, but it is not needed. There seems to be so many applauses, minutes silences etc in football now that the important ones don't mean anything.

I agree with you totally. Save the applause for war heroes etc
Can someone with clout call the Echo and ask them to remove their website article about Southend United fans supporting the applause, because clearly we don't. Also ask the Echo to run an article in their hard copy to say they got it wrong about us and we don't want to be associated with these teenagers thank you very much.

Contacted via Twitter

"@johnlucasNQE Your article re Southend United fans and the 2 dead lads is mis-leading. Suggested by a friend but not supported by most fans"