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"A big cheer at the civic center"


Thailand Shrimper
Oct 28, 2003
.....according to Paul Fitz on the SUFC mailing list.

Although this could mean anything, most likely it's just Ron or someone working the crowd

(just posted this in another topic that I think Shags just removed)
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got to sweat it out now, didn't get back from uni in time to get down there... not expecting good news but hopefully a positive outcome for a revised application
Just spoken to someone there and he said they are currently just going through the motions. Has no idea what the big cheer was either and has been there the last couple of hours!

Although said there was more outside earlier, but now 150 max who are freezing theirs ****s off...

Could hear the guy from the speaker, and sounded very dull !! Reckons it could be a while before the decision....
*** UPDATE ***

Roger Weaver comes to window encouraging supporters outside to sing up waving scarf.

A chorus of "sit down shut up" followed, aimed towards the speaker at that time moaning about the flats being built there!

Not sure that the chant was too helpful, but rather amusing to hear it outside Civic Centre!!
Keep the faith.,..if it doesnt happen today it is only a matter of time before it gets approved.
*** UPDATE ***

Roger Weaver comes to window encouraging supporters outside to sing up waving scarf.

A chorus of "sit down shut up" followed, aimed towards the speaker at that time moaning about the flats being built there!

Not sure that the chant was too helpful, but rather amusing to hear it outside Civic Centre!!

Good stuff, although I'm not sure football chants are going to sway the decision, which may or may not be a good thing :)
Just got back. Left civic centre at 2.45 and there was no singing whatsover up until that point (except when players arrived at 1.45), just a couple of hundred cold shrimpers trying to hear whats said on the tannoy.

Lots of dull discussions about retail units when I left and sounded like it was going to go on for hours yet.