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All At Sea Fanzine News.

Liam AAS

Sarcasm currently unavailable
Hopefully many of you will have seen our work at the recent court hearings and with the wider fan groups on various projects. We are doing as much as we can in the time and emotional wits we possess. I'm studying for an exam and Jai has a family so please be patient with us in our endeavours.

There is absolutely an appetite to investigate Ron Martin and we are positioning ourselves to do what we can over the summer. The Echo (editorially) has thoroughly failed Shrimpers and the people of SE Essex on this topic, specifically the details of the development at FF.

Anybody that has contacts that would be willing to speak to us, has a scoop, has an idea for a story or generally wants to get involved please email allatseafanzine@hotmail.com
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Hello all, we are launching Issue 83 on Good Friday for the home game against Maidstone. If you're interested in writing for us then please email allatseafanzine@hotmail.com with your articles or ideas.

We're particularly interested in away day match reports (anyone going to Dorking, Altrincham or Borehamwood?). Submissions need to be with us by the 2nd of April.

We're pulling together a special edition of All At Sea, one designed to expose Ron's workings over the last few years. Not just focussed on SUFC but on some of the other companies in his stable too. This is very much a join the dots exercise but we're hoping to use a lot of information in the public eye already to keep any legal heat off of us while trying to shine a light on some of his murkier dealings over his tenure as chairman.

There are all sorts of things we will need to do this: file collation from companies house, interviews with relevant persons, forensic accounting, corporate law, the works. @Napster has done some of the heavy lifting on this already and there's plenty of threads that have been posted about these topics, this message board is a huge resource to be combed in an of itself.

We're looking for an issue release at the beginning of next season so if you can or want to contribute in any way shape or form then please let me know. This is going to had to be a real team effort but together, with a bit of direction I'm sure we can produce the sort of thing that will make Ron's toes curl.

All At Sea 83 will be available to buy on Good Friday at the home game v Maidstone. We are delighted to still have a club (for now) and to be able to continue bringing out the fanzines (for now).

We're on sale outside the club shop on Vic Ave and on Shakespeare Drive. As ever, £1.

When Ron finally sells up I might even have enough confidence to rebuild the website for those that wish to purchase online.

Thank you to you buyers, readers and fellow Shrimpers.

UTB 💙🦐
Our latest podcast is now available. We review the 2022-23 season and speak to Shrimpers Trust chair Paul FitzGerald about the organisation and what the future holds for Southend United.

Lots of people have asked us about spotify and other mediums and, having now looked into this as promised, it's basically unfeasible for us as we only produce podcasts 3/season. Apologies.
If anybody has a connection with somebody employed by the club (preferable backroom staff) that would be willing to speak to us anonymously for an article in our next issue, please send us a DM.
All At Sea 84 is a go (Wednesday's court case permitting). If you have anything you'd like to contribute to us then please sent to allatseafanzine@hotmail.com obviously there's lots of things occurring at the moment so if you've any ideas then please get in touch.

Deadline for submissions is Saturday 12th of August.