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Latest Rumours American Investors?

Lincoln Shrimp

First XI⭐
Jan 23, 2008
A couple of posters mentioned in the Aldershot post match thread that there were some American Investors at our game on Saturday.

Does anyone how significant this might be?
Has Ron reached out across the pond with his begging bowl in exchange for relinquishing a small slice of his Fossetts Farm pie?
If Ron could put £2 and £2 together as well as people in that thread seem to have he’d have paid the taxman.
I think I heard a few people saying about American investors being at the notts county game but thought that they were related with them rather than us
Come off it. I'd recognise George Clooney anywhere.......or was it Robert Downey Junior.....? 🤨
In all seriousness if you were an American investor inspired by the Wrexham story, surely our club is one of the most attractive non-league clubs to look at.

We have a large loyal fan base, a strong fan base and an owner in financial doo doo.

The only other clubs higher on the list might be Notts County and Chesterfield as I suspect Oldham wouldn't be up for sale.

Personally I think they would be mad but then again I do a 6hr round trip for a home match and frequently tell myself that any journey under 2 hours is a must not miss local game
In all seriousness if you were an American investor inspired by the Wrexham story, surely our club is one of the most attractive non-league clubs to look at.

We have a large loyal fan base, a strong fan base and an owner in financial doo doo.

The only other clubs higher on the list might be Notts County and Chesterfield as I suspect Oldham wouldn't be up for sale.

Personally I think they would be mad but then again I do a 6hr round trip for a home match and frequently tell myself that any journey under 2 hours is a must not miss local game
The main thing that would put people off is the price.
Yes we are a club that would be a decent investment with the fan base new stadium but for someone to invest you obviously need a willing seller.So the real question is,when will Ron agree to sell up and when.
We are ripe for an investment, but an investor with the funds and motivation might opt to keep their powder dry for the time being in case Ron’s funds run dry and step in at the point of the club going into administration - picking up the club and assets for a song (instead of the megabucks needed to tempt Ron while he still has a choice).
We are ripe for an investment, but an investor with the funds and motivation might opt to keep their powder dry for the time being in case Ron’s funds run dry and step in at the point of the club going into administration - picking up the club and assets for a song (instead of the megabucks needed to tempt Ron while he still has a choice).
Ripe in what way? As in Ron hasn't yet cashed in the rewards of Fossetts Farm? i.e. Only ripe if the developement project is included in the sale? Even then, why would anyone want to invest beyond the development rewards other than an ego boost to own a football club, when all you are buying is a football club name with the hope that bums on seats covers the rent of the stadium, wages and other costs?

Once we have moved into a new stadium, I'm not sure there is anything to tempt anyone to invest. No assetts to speak of, football alone is a loss making business in all but some very edge cases.

Rons motivation for buying the club was the development potential and I suspect that was also why VIc bought the club too. Without that prospect, what is there?
I guess there must be something as you look around at Colchester, Coventy etc. I just don't get it.
The earning potential of a new ground should not be underestimated, I was at a training course in Rotherham today in excellent facilities and enjoyed watching the staggering amount of work that goes into keeping the stadium and pitch in great condition, not only was there multiple training courses going on generating revenue a number of businesses have office space at the stadium which pay long term rent. If we leave the housing aside a modern stadium with workspace and conference facilities can generate significant income20221130_142649.jpg
The earning potential of a new ground should not be underestimated, I was at a training course in Rotherham today in excellent facilities and enjoyed watching the staggering amount of work that goes into keeping the stadium and pitch in great condition, not only was there multiple training courses going on generating revenue a number of businesses have office space at the stadium which pay long term rent. If we leave the housing aside a modern stadium with workspace and conference facilities can generate significant incomeView attachment 23544
You remind me of myself on training courses.

I once had to go on tick box course about racism and sexism. They gave us a choice of venues with the big new idea of being open minded away from our normal training facilities......I chose Upton Park.

Turns out the other 11 candidates had all the same ironic sense of humour as me. It made the course so much more fun.

For those old enough to remember when there was standing in the West stand at Upton Park. The course was held down towards the South Bank, just above where their West Side Army once used to gather.
In all seriousness if you were an American investor inspired by the Wrexham story, surely our club is one of the most attractive non-league clubs to look at.

We have a large loyal fan base, a strong fan base and an owner in financial doo doo.

The only other clubs higher on the list might be Notts County and Chesterfield as I suspect Oldham wouldn't be up for sale.

Personally I think they would be mad but then again I do a 6hr round trip for a home match and frequently tell myself that any journey under 2 hours is a must not miss local game
then they invest in Gillingham