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an apology to the club


No ⭐
Oct 27, 2003
The wilds of Kent
I was wrong about the POTY evening and the sponsors evening and I am sorry I brought it up. I appreciate the hard work the commercial team do and understand where I got the confusion from.

Sorry if I gave the wrong impression.

An apology?

That's more than the club gave the paying supporters shunted half the length on the country for a trip back from Cardiff!

All they gave was a STATEMENT of why it happened and a snipped few lines of an apology alluding to be from Network Rail.

I, and many others, thought it was pretty poor of the club not to even say sorry. I mean how much does it cost the club to *say* sorry? Whether they meant it or not!
emotions are running high i sense. it will be worth it when we go up as champions
[b said:
Quote[/b] (SoC @ April 28 2005,09:37)]An apology?

That's more than the club gave the paying supporters shunted half the length on the country for a trip back from Cardiff!

All they gave was a STATEMENT of why it happened and a snipped few lines of an apology alluding to be from Network Rail.

I, and many others, thought it was pretty poor of the club not to even say sorry. I mean how much does it cost the club to *say* sorry? Whether they meant it or not!
Don't get me started on that again !!!

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Napster @ April 28 2005,09:31)]Although I still think £66 is a bit much, I wanted to make it clear that I was wrong that the POTY was for sponsors.
As the event is apparently sold out I don't think it is too expensive. I'd hate to think that our club was losing out on revenue because they were underpricing events which exist solely to subsidise the football club.
Some people were only told about the increase from £50 to £66 once they had booked their place- the increase was to pay for the players on their table