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Life President⭐⭐
This is the best video of away fans day out in Southend. They like our 'Serious Pier.'
Some funny moments, definitely worth watching.

Excellent. Thanks for sharing. When Saturday comes hundreds of thousands of fans are criss-crossing the country on similar expeditions but few will be as articulate and funny as these guys. Well done to them.

Bit worried about all the hand clapping while driving though.....

Also calling us a one horse town. I can't recall seeing a horse in Southend unless its got a constable on top of it. Amazing how they can balance those big paintings so well.
Also calling us a one horse town. I can't recall seeing a horse in Southend unless its got a constable on top of it. Amazing how they can balance those big paintings so well.

Plenty to be found on the A127 according to reports on the news this morning, of racing with carts attached!
Plenty to be found on the A127 according to reports on the news this morning, of racing with carts attached!

That happens a lot, but on the Basildon stretch of the A127. The local travellers get a small telling off and that's it. No wonder they keep doing it, as there's no repercussions. Now I wonder what would happen if we blocked off the A127 and raced some pony and traps along there? Hhmm. Still, that's for another thread.
Stuart W doesn’t!

By the time I get to the ground to pick up my programme to read in the pub, the programme sellers are either getting out of bed or are locked inside the wooden hut with their boxes of unsold programmes. Mind you it is only 1.30 pm.
Presumably the Pompey fans had been suitably briefed.
Why would anyone need programmes 90 mins before kick off?

I actually think that's the optimum time to buy a programme.

Obviously times have changed from the days when the matchday programme was the supporters way of being updated on the managers pre-match views, how to get to next week's away game and information about the opposition players and the like, but for those who still like the experience of having access to the written word prior to kick-off, then it's still an integral part of the matchday experience.

I know many feel that they are just collectors items, no longer being avidly read on the terraces prior to kick off, but they still have a place on a matchday and for those that like them, having them available a few hours before kick-off is the minimum that should be provided, IMHO.
Very good and entertaining watch, well done fournilwrittenalloverit*, though I’ve never heard the North Bank referred to as a tube station before!!

*or should that be threeonewrittenalloverit :winking:
Good film and I like the sound of Southend on Thames makes it sound a bit more sophisticated. Think we should push for this change immediately, even if just to make Colchester jealous. :winking:
Good film and I like the sound of Southend on Thames makes it sound a bit more sophisticated. Think we should push for this change immediately, even if just to make Colchester jealous. :winking:

Nonsense.I thought everyone knew that Southend got its name from being at the southern end of Prittlewell .Southend-on-Thames or River just doesn't sound right. :winking:
Am I the only one who found them very irratating and if it was Southend fans I wouldn’t be able to watch it every game.
Surely the gauntlet has been thrown down and it's time for some of our travelling supporters to rise to the challenge and make an SUFC video. Come on Blues, you know you can do it.