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Banking reforms

Tangled up in Blue

Certified Senior Citizen⭐

I believe it was St.Augustine who said:"Oh Lord,let me be chaste but not just yet."

Could some banking type please explain:-

a)Why we have to wait until 2019 for these changes in the banking system to be implemented?

b)Why the banks can't just be split up into savings and investment divisions, as they used to be,both in the UK and the US?
You wont find the answers in The Guardian who's financial coverage is regarded as woeful.
The Government want to give their cuts a few more years to put a few more million on the unemployment figures before touching the people who started the rot.

I see it went up another 80,000 this month to total 2.5 mill (cough! more like 4 mill in reality)...oh well they need to break a few records and pat their mates on the back I guess.
