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Best Team in the League?

Nov 4, 2003
I was interested to hear what Steve Thompson had to say about our performance when I tuned into BBC Cambridge on the way home from the Abbey Stadium. How delighted was I to hear that he thought we were the best team in the division before going into some detail as to why - pace, power and experience just three of the words he used.

To think where we'd be if we hadn't had such a shocking start to the season.
Makes a nice change doesn't it!?
Unfortunately that statement is yet to be proven..

We have won nowt yet..

I also heard that and it is flattering but the table never lies and if we end up top , then yes we will be the best team in the league, but as it stands Yeovil are.

But at the start of the season , if someone said we'd be the 2nd best team in the league i'd of definatly taken that.
The best for over 10 years..

Lets keep our feet firmly on the ground and just hope and pray the boys dont bottle it..

Come on you shrimpers.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (shrimper magic @ Mar. 29 2005,17:03)]I also heard that and it is flattering but the table never lies and if we end up top , then yes we will be the best team in the league, but as it stands Yeovil are.
We were robbed of a point and Yeovil gifted two at the dump that is Huish Park by the incompetent ref. If we finish within 3 points of Yeovil then the table will be lying!
Steve Parkin the Rochdale manager also said that we were the best team that they had played this season. So this shows some consistancy based on our two last performances.
Whatever happens, it's been a great 15 months or so ... and is it just coincidence that 15 months ago I moved to Spain?!



There is a good chance we will be the best team in the league - in 6 games time we will know, if we are sitting on top of the league then we are the best. Luck and referee decisions even out over 46 games and the league table doesn't lie in May.