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A lot on here don't like Lennon but he is a very capable third tier centre half with physical presence. Yes Chris Powell would have worked with him.

Spent time on loan @ Gillingham a few years ago ... Was a rock there and they wanted to build a team round him, we had injuries in the Championship so we needed him back and as Charlton fans have never really seen that side of him. Like Wagstaff and Harriott could help his career by moving on from a club he's been at for a while now yet does have the odd mistake in him

Just OK for us, probably be the next Simon francis for you.

Injury prone so not played a huge amount for us. Did okayish in some Championships games for us, but was playing in a generally calamitous team. Had a loan spell at Gillingham a couple of years back and did very well. More of an old fashioned stopper than a ball playing defender. Deceptively quick and has scored a couple of goals for us despite limited appearances. Prone to a rash tackle and has given away a couple of penalties. Needs a good run of games but will do well for you, I think, if he stays fit. Powell will nurture his talent and iron out some of the creases. I'd personally prefer to keep him, but not sure he's going to be given the time an opportunity he needs here, and some of our fans have already made their minds up about him.

Good strong, enthusiastic lad .... will settle down to be a League One rock eventually. Don't expect a cultured left foot though.

Hit and miss, been unlucky with injuries. Marked Will Grigg out the game at Wigan away last season. Powell will know of him, not sure he featured much under Powell in the first team.

The main thing Lennon needs is a run of games,he never really got that at Charlton. If he stays fit and plays regularly he is more than capable for league one.

Fair signing. Big strong lad, had a few injury problems; a bit on the slow side - but then he is a centre back - oh, and he can't pass water!

It will be eventful watching him. He’ll either make a mistake, get booked or give away a penalty- probably all 3 every few games.

Powell gave Lennon his senior debut! Lennon has had injury problems but moving to Southend would be a excellent move for him, he could really kick on at Roots hall

Ponderous, attritional lump of a centre half but is strong and left footed, which helps him. He is prone to a rash challenge in the box, and can't pass for toffee. However he has a physical presence and is a fantastic header of the ball

Done little more in his charlton career than give away penalties and cost us games, both from getting sent off or just poor defending in general. Gets an easy ride from some on here as you can see but if he was a Roland import he’d be ripped to shreds. Good luck with him, you’ll need it. Honestly thought a national league team would take him

Decent mid table League One defender in my opinion. Not great but nowhere near as bad as Harry above would have you believe.

I'm probably toward the "don't rate him" extreme. He's poor on the ball. He gets sucked out of position far too easily. And he gets outmuscled. A bit of pace gets him out of trouble at times, but I think he's slow in reading the game and positioning is suspect at times. He made a couple big mistakes for us last season, but I've always felt he's gotten away with it up until then because his mistakes have been more subtle.

Now, all that being said, he's had a lot of problems with injury and went almost two years without really playing. I think he will improve being fit and playing regularly. But even then I think it could be a while before he's anything more than a mid-tier League One third choice center back. And that might suit you just fine. It's one of those catch-22s where he'll only get better by playing, but given we have two much better left-footed center halves, I don't think it's worth it for us to play him.

Powell has a good record of turning middling center backs into players, so if anyone can get something out of Lennon, it would be him. If you sit deep and make it so that he only has to defend, not read the game, close players down further up the pitch, or play the ball out of the back, I think he could grow into an effective player.

Doesn’t matter what people on here say, if Powell likes him that is good enough for Southend. Powell, with us was an absolute master in picking up reasonably priced players, many unloved by their clubs, who went on to be superb League One and above players.... Kermogant, Morrison, Cort, Hamer, Stephens, Wiggins to name just a few.

The main question is, will Powell buy him back for Charlton when he returns after the takeover goes through. :smile: Agent Powell, taking deadwood off our wagebill before coming back with a huge transfer kitty to play with. Been very unlucky with injuries and he hasn't had a run in the side for the last two seasons.

A shrewd signing by Chris Powell if it goes through - probably on the cheap - and I think that Harry Lennon will do very well in League 1.

Lennon is a mid-table League One lump of a centre-half. He's not terrible and he's not spectacular.
Injury prone is not quite right. He had an injury affecting his groin from a match in April last year, which wasn’t properly dealt with medically and resurfaced in November as a result. He finally had an operation in March to correct it and has been in 4 days a week all summer building fitness and strength to be ready and back to his best for the new season.
Reading all those reviews was illuminating, especially the potential for giving away penalties, just like "Trip" Advisor (see what I did there) :smile:
Prone to rash challenges, scores goals, excellent header of the ball - add in the odd scissor assault and we've got another Mohsni.

Sounds good to me, hope he signs.
Yep some Mohsni qualities, pretty high count of yellow cards with the odd red thrown in in very short order, him off the pitch if not learned from? Presumably Sir Chris can help with that for starters unless brain goes walkabout like Moihsni
Some more

Buying potential, injury prone and always likely to do something stupid, get sent off, give away a silly pen etc.

He's a decent league one defender who is actually rapid when he gets himself fit. Never really done it with us but at the same time he has never been given a run of games when he is fit and the team doing well. It has always been when we are in trouble defensively and with injuries that he has played and that is difficult to do well in as a young player who has had injuries himself.

As long as he doesn't play at left back, you'll have a decent enough defender for this level.

At the end of the day, Powell knows what it takes in defence so I think with a good pre season behind him and being injury free, Powell could get Lennon into becoming an asset at Southend.

from what I have seen a journeyman pro who made silly mistakes. Am I grief stricken he has gone....not really but given the even more threadbare squad we have we may well have needed him.
98% of football fans know ****-all about how to judge a footballer. Powell has worked with him before and wants to work with him again and that's good enough for me.
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So much negativity for a player that came through their own youth system. Says more about Charlton fans than it does Lennon to me.